
Debate Info

Revealed They're cheating
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:23
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 Revealed (9)
 They're cheating (10)

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TimCast(812) pic

Democrat whistle blower reveals massive voter fraud operation


Side Score: 10

They're cheating

Side Score: 12

Why is it that every time you claim a Democrat does or says something, you include a link which takes me to the opinion of a Conservative?

Side: Revealed
TimCast(812) Disputed
2 points

I'm a liberal, and the link links to a liberal named Tim Pool. I, Tim Pool, attended Occupy Wallstreet.

Side: They're cheating
PotatoJunkie(30) Disputed
1 point

I'm a liberal

It's difficult to even know how to respond to someone who lies so much. When someone lies as much as you Bronto, it's beyond dishonesty and into a full blown mental health problem.

Side: Revealed
KingZong(76) Disputed
1 point
Side: They're cheating
PotatoJunkie(30) Disputed
1 point

Why did you comment when clearly you didn't look into the person in question?


Tim Pool (1986-) is a far-right conspiracy theorist, grifter, and YouTube commentator and former Vice News reporter who reads other people's tweets and news articles out loud for a living. His content is composed almost exclusively of rebuttal-free alt-right talking points.

How ‘Coward and Phony’ Tim Pool Became One of the Biggest Political YouTubers on the Planet

“A coward and a phony,” “a joke,” “staggeringly arrogant,” “totally full of shit,” “not smart” and “a bumbling doofus” are a representative sample of how those who worked with Pool at digital media companies described him. the-planet

Side: Revealed
1 point

The allegations sound very serious, and indeed alarming.

However we must wait for the findings of the criminal investigation to be published before casting aspersions on the hierarchy, or even the mid-management of the Democrat Party.

Of course if the Republicans had had such claims made against them the Democrat Dirty Tricks Hit Squad and their F.B.I., lackeys would have been making declarations of assumed guilt and the mainstream media would be presenting the whistle blower's allegation as fact.

As we're not tarred with the same brush as THE IMBECILE'S MOB we will keep our powder dry until we have something tangible to shoot at (metaphorically speaking) and if that moment arrives we'll let them have it between the eyes, figuratively speaking.

Side: They're cheating