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 Democrats do not care for the poor... they use the poor! There are now more poor people! (22)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Democrats do not care for the poor... they use the poor! There are now more poor people!

Poor people can not handle another 8 years of Democrat rule. Those who vote for Democrats must be mentally challenged.
Do you remember the old saying fool me once shame on you, fool me a thousand times, I'm an idiot? Do you remember that one?

How about learning something from that saying. How many times do we listen to the same exact rhetoric from Democrat election strategy? It goes something ike this......

They tell the low end voters, The GOP only cares for the Rich! The GOP hate the poor, hate women and are racists. Democrats then tell us how they are going to tax the middle class and especially the rich to pay for all the free College, free healthcare, etc.
We hear the same tired stories of how some rich man paid less taxes than his secretary, blah blah blah. They tell you VOTE FOR ME... VOTE FOR ME. I CARE FOR THE LITTLE GUY! LOL.... what phoney liars!

So tell me what did they do about it when they controlled both the Congress and Whitehouse? NOTHING! Quit spewing the lie of how it was the GOP that stopped Obama from getting his agendas passed. It was his own party and probably himself tied to big moeny as to why the loop holes in our tax code never got fixed. The GOP is the only party tryng to ovehaul the tax code.

So after decades of the same rhetoric, what do we have today? Much higher income disparity.

Now I'm no rocket scientist but I at least have the common sense to know a snake oil salemen when I hear one. So all these past decades, if you look at the record of all the things Democrats told us they would accomplish if elected, how are they doing? HOW ON EARTH could anyone with half a brain believe one word out of their mouths? YOU ARE BEING USED! How can you keep rewarding liars? The low income voters are the Democrat's base and they know full well if the poor move into the middle class, they will lose their vote. Hence they want you tied to social programs and big government.

Republican voters are finally fed up with establishment Repubicans who have refused to stopped Obamacare as they said they would do. They refused to stop his amnesty executive order as they said they would do. They did not stop the Democrats from allowing funding to the Baby organ harvesting at Panned parenthood, etc. etc.

So this is why Conservatives are saying we will not take it any more. They will elect a narcisist Trump if that is what it takes to send a message and stop the corruption. I would rather they elect Conservatives like Cruz or Rubio, or Carson, or Huccabee but I will vote for trump if he is the only other choice over a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders is a Liberal Democrat on Steroids. You think we are losing our good paying jobs to other nations now? Wait to see what would happen if a Sociaist was President with 90% tax rates.
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3 points

Democrats had their chance to raise the minimum wage to whatever they wanted but chose not to. The minimum wage issue only comes up at election time to get people to vote Democrat. Same goes for increasing taxes. The Democrats could have raised taxes to 90% if they wanted, but didn't. Only at election time do the rich need to pay their fair share. Funny how they didn't need to pay their fair share when the Democrats had a filibuster proof majority.

Democrats, like all politicians, care about votes, period. They will pander to whoever will listen and say anything they think their quarry wants to hear. Once in office, they will serve themselves at the expense of those who voted for them.

1 point

Cuaroc copied your debate again. .

Hellno(17724) Banned
2 points

He knows, everyone knows. It was mildly funny at first but now it's just stupid. Prodigee bans me from EVERY debate he posts but I don't care.... I make one nasty ass argument and then I know I'm going to be be banned. I consider it a honor.

1 point

Okay thank you. Sorry for the trouble. .

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

And people like you encourage him by posting on the copied site...........................

Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
2 points

Most people don't know that it was a copied debate. IMHO Andy shouldn't let curaoc do that. Having said that, stop being such a pussy bitch and stop banning everyone already.

Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

It is not my fault. You need to stop blaming the wrong people. I did not know that he had copied this debate until aftwe I posted, and you really should report him, not that Andy will do anything.

1 point

I don't know why people keep voting when the only solution is Christ. God did not design humans to know how to govern or be successful without Him. Just like he did not give a cat or dog the capability to talk...He did NOT give humans the capability to rule themselves. So when it comes to politics....don't waste your time. However, when it comes to Republicans they are selfish, care nothing about the poor and nine times out of ten are racist. They are very demonic THINGS. Not even human.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Are you that totally blind? You have it completely backwards. Democrats are the evil ones who support killing even late term Babies in the womb that God says he already knows.

You are showing you have no clue what is going on in politics and is why you are mindless enough to support democrats over repubicans.

Do you actually think Democrats have compassion for the poor when they don't give freely of their own money but rather redistribute other's money. Compassionate people give of their own money and do not steal from others. Democrats take other's money to buy votes from low income people. That is the extent of their compassion. They like keeping people tied to welfare their entire lives.

Democrats even support allowing late term babies who are born alive from botched abortions to die! Democrats support planned parenthood who harvest unborn Baby organs to sell. Democrats supported forcing Curches and Christians to pay for abortions but keep spewing your ignorance.

YOU COULD NOT BE MORE WRONG! I agree with you, you should truly stay out of politics because you have no clue.

If anyone is demonic it is Democrats for the evil of abortions.

1 point

This is truly bias. I mean, how would they use the poor?! They are doing nothing wrong but being a good leader. XD

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Are you telling me you don't know how politicians buy votes? Why on earth do you think Democrats sit there and tell Americans during debates how they are going to give them free College and free healthcare on the backs of other tax payers?

They use poor people for their votes! Who do you think people on welfare will vote for? Do you think they will vote for politicians who want to cut the taxes on hard working Americans? No, the majority of able bodied people on welfare do not pay taxes and they do not want their free welfare checks to stop. They will vote for the Politicians who redistributes tax payer's money to give to those who keep electing them.

It's a great scam and Democrats want to keep people tied to Government dependency and thereby keep their vote. That is using the poor and if you cant get that simple point!