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 Democrats have found the "Carbon Footprint" of cooking a turkey (9)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

Democrats have found the "Carbon Footprint" of cooking a turkey

Consider taking the "Turkey Out Of The Turkey Dinner". The carbon footprint of a 16-pound turkey creates a total of 34.2 pounds of CO2.
Huff Post author Alexandra Emanuelli a Democrat is very distressed.
Emanuelli discovered, It turns out that your food isn’t the biggest holiday culprit of carbon dioxide emissions — traveling for the meal is.

Trying to figure out the Democrat confused mind on carbon dioxide emissions is like following a circular map.
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2 points

Time for the Democrats to assemble the Turkey Police Force.

Those buying a 16 pound turkey should be arrested and imprisoned for crimes against the environment.

2 points

Yes, Democrats are all about letting Drug sellers off the hook, but Turkey buyers? Boil them in gravy!

Wait a minute, gravy puts out 8.4 pounds of CO2!

So lets see, 1 tonne of burnt jet fuel emits 3.15 tonnes of CO2.

So doing the math, one Jet ride by Al Gore from LA to NY takes approximately 10 tonnes of jet fuel which creates approximately 31 tonnes of CO2.

Let's see, that would equal about 1812 turkeys.

So just one jet ride by one of these radical environmentalists, preaching to how we should cut down on our turkey dinners, is doing as much aharm as 1812 turkeys!

Gee, why do I call these Leftwing Climate change extremists hypocrites?

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

That is some good math but don't share that with the Democrats because they will be totally confused.

excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Gee, why do I call these Leftwing Climate change extremists hypocrites?

So lets see, 1 tonne of burnt jet fuel emits 3.15 tonnes of CO2.

Hello From:

Gee. Maybe it's because we learned our science in SCHOOL and not in CHURCH... In SCHOOL we learned that burning 1 ton of something, won't turn it into 3.15 tons of something else.. It just won't.

There ain't nothing more I can say about that.. DUDE!!!


seanB(950) Disputed
0 points

The person who invented the lightbulb wrote his designs by cande-light. The person who invented the telephone used mail to communicate. The person who invented the car would have travelled by horse.

Using what the world has made available to you, does not disqualify you from trying to improve upon it.