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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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HeadOfLice(58) pic

Democrats have no drawn up plan to negotiate verses a wall


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 5
1 point

Democrats have no drawn up plan to negotiate verses a wall

Hello Lice:

Nancy has a plan... Don't lay down for Donald Trump. Easy peasy.. When she's got her opposition on the ropes, what option, OTHER than KEEPING him there, should she consider??



Side: True
BenShapiro(218) Disputed
2 points

Nancy has a plan...

Yeah right. Her plan was to travel to the other side of the world until Trump stopped her. Not a good look.

Don't lay down for Donald Trump.

It was her idea before it was Trump's.

Easy peasy.. When she's got her opposition on the ropes, what option, OTHER than KEEPING him there, should she consider??

She's getting her ass kicked. She has no alternate border defense plan and is blocking a barrier she supported. Libs might like it, but moderates do not. The appearance right now is Trump had to make her stay here to negotiate terms, that she cared more about trips than peoples' paychecks, and that Trump has compromised, where libs have not.

Side: False
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Don't lay down for Donald Trump.


It was her idea before it was Trump's.

Hello again, Ben:

Let's be clear here, if that's possible.. I'm talking about the shutdown, and you're talking about the wall..


Side: True
Spuds(1074) Disputed
1 point

Nancy has a plan

I've never once seen Pelosi lay out a plan. I have seen her tell us to pass it to see what's in it about someone else's plan.

Don't lay down for Donald Trump

Not cooperating with a President overseeing an elite economy isn't a political winner.

Easy peasy.. When she's got her opposition on the ropes, what option, OTHER than KEEPING him there, should she consider

I've never seen Pelosi put anyone on the ropes. I've seen her look and act drunk. Should the 25th Amendment be applied here?

Side: False
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