
Debate Info

So bad they gotta make it up Evil disturbed people
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 So bad they gotta make it up (6)
 Evil disturbed people (7)

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Enchilada(91) pic

Democrats slammed for doctoring evidence for impeachment trial

So bad they gotta make it up

Side Score: 8

Evil disturbed people

Side Score: 10
2 points

They've hyped up 'orange man bad' so much that it's no longer based in reality. Now that democrats leave their bubble and have to actually justify this in a trial, they have nothing.

Side: So bad they gotta make it up
mrcatsam(663) Disputed
3 points

That's just rich.

Side: Evil disturbed people
Nomoturtle(858) Clarified
1 point

Would you grant me your enlightened perspective of his acquittal?

Side: So bad they gotta make it up
1 point

Democrats slammed for doctoring evidence for impeachment trial

Hello Ench:

That MAY be so.. But, even if it's not, I CAN'T debate a video..

Maybe if YOU'D say a few words yourself we could debate.. But, nahh..


Side: So bad they gotta make it up
2 points

Further evidence that the lefties will stoop to any depths to vilify the amateur politician, but professional oaf, Donald Trump who beat the war machine of Clinton's elitist political mafia in the 2016 election.

The dirt will be really hitting the fan soon as the anti-American agitators use this latest impeachment attempt to stir it up, and stir it up they will.

Side: Evil disturbed people