
Debate Info

That's what happened It's a coincidence
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 That's what happened (3)
 It's a coincidence (5)

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MexicanFood(41) pic

Did most of the Leftists on this site leave because they can't defend Biden?

That's what happened

Side Score: 3

It's a coincidence

Side Score: 5
1 point

Did most of the Leftists on this site leave because they can't defend Biden?

Hello :

Two things:

1) I'm not here to defend Biden. I'm here to present MY case..

2) I have no idea why people left. They don't report to me.


Side: That's what happened
Developing(494) Disputed
1 point

Excon, what exactly is YOUR case? You "can't "defend Biden, he is THAT bad. You couldn't even name one accomplishment from Biden, your only answer to that he won the election, something that has only served only to hurt the American people ever since.

I want to be CLEAR Excon, LIFE was MUCH better for EVERYONE under President Trump.

Side: It's a coincidence
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Excon, what exactly is YOUR case?

Hello hater:

Very simple.. To save my country from the likes of you.


Side: That's what happened
1 point

Trump was an unconfident and mean president. The pandemic was a chance to save his re-election and he blew it.

Not only that but Trump is anti-science. A science change denier. Downplayed the effects of the covid-19 resulting in many unnecessary deaths. Let's not forget his affiliation with white supremacists and his refusal to denounce them.

The protectionist policy which made USA citizens have to pay more. His cruelty towards American Indians by reducing the Bear Ears Monument by 85%.

The claim that life was much better for everyone under Trump is a pants on fire lie.

The spike in hate crime from Trump's election alone is enough to disprove the claim. The mistreatment of undocumented immigrants.

Supporting Evidence: Hate crime spike caused by Trump bbc (
Side: That's what happened
PotatoChip(70) Disputed
1 point

I'm not here to defend Biden. I'm here to present MY case.

What is your case?

Side: It's a coincidence

President Biden is a great president. First he is respects the scientific consensus on climate change. Proposing a federal investment of 1.7 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. Biden is doing a much better job with the pandemic. Restored the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase monument that Trump downsized by 85% and 50%.

Biden has selected Harris a female and Black vice president showing he values diversity. Just look at Trump's cabinet almost all white males compared to Biden's cabinet.

Supporting Evidence: Bears Ears Grand Staircase restored by Biden npr (
Side: It's a coincidence

This site died when a troll dedicated their entire existence to spamming it to death with insincere debates and arguments. To the point where a rumor spread that they bought the site from the original owner.

Which is a shame because it actually has a pretty great format and was super lively back in early 2010s.

Side: It's a coincidence
Sciencerules(592) Clarified
1 point

Do you know the name of the troll or are you not allowed to say the name? I've seen on at least two other websites an alt-right account produce a firehose of disinformation.

Side: That's what happened