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 Do people suck? (24)

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KayneOfNod(317) pic

Do people suck?

I think they downright suck! Can we take all the people in the world and like...take them somewhere else? 
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He says in a building made by people, on a device made by people, via the Internet (made by people) onto a website made by people, in order to communicate with, you guessed it, people.

Don't get me wrong, I'm as cynical and introverted as the next guy. But I don't understand why it's suddenly "trendy" to go around saying everyone else is terrible.

It just comes across as arrogant.

KayneOfNod(317) Disputed
1 point

I'm just as terrible. I'm people too. I have a crippling amount of self loathing, it's why I spend so much time on the internet. because here I can be an asshole and no one can burn down my house because of it.


Also... I'm in a's wet in here :P

ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

He says in a building made by people, on a device made by people, via the Internet (made by people) onto a website made by people, in order to communicate with, you guessed it, people.

What's your point? That people should be liked because of their inventions? Even an asshole can invent something awesome. Doesn't mean he or she doesn't suck.

But I don't understand why it's suddenly "trendy" to go around saying everyone else is terrible.

Where have you noticed this trend? Have any sources?

It just comes across as arrogant.


1 point

I know you are cranky with me for some unknown reason, but why the necro?

Yes, we all suck sometimes. Its part of life. Like how Robert Downey once said, when he was asked if he was Gay, "hey this is Hollywood, everybody's gay once in awhile."

There was only one perfect human being who never sucked, though even He had a temper once in awhile, and look at what they did to him!

2 points

Everyone sucks SOMETIMES. Though some of us can rise above it to not suck ALL the time. And as long as people aspire to sometimes not suck then I can usually get along with them.

The mentality of the religious people on this site, please note, are a) yes everyone sucks (sinners), but b) they literally can't stop sucking until they die and are saved by the only person who never sucked (Jesus), so c) it's their right and duty to suck extra hard trying to convince you yes you indeed suck. It's quite a charming position.

KayneOfNod(317) Disputed
1 point

I mean, unless god is twice as full of second chances as I am, I'm probably going to hell anyway. regardless of whichever religion you subscribe to.


I don't even know what the hell I'm to be considered! I'm like some kind of pan-agnostic shit!

2 points

Don't get me wrong, I love good ideas, but after that 15 seconds of glory, they need to shut the fuck up.

To adopt and adapt one of Abraham Lincoln's quotes;- some of the people suck all of the time, and all of suck some of the time, but not all the people sucl all of the time.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

some of the people suck all of the time

can I get her number? ;)

1 point

No they swallow. Get memed

First of all we need a stronger God. This forgiveness and turn the other cheek shit has deteriorated society. And people follow Jesus who was socialistic, but they really are selfish and materialistic. That's what's wrong.

KayneOfNod(317) Disputed
1 point

well... forgiveness is different than tolerance. but I can see what you're getting at.

1 point

If you're talking about Jesus, your god cannot get any stronger because Jesus is not God. I don't want to get too far off topic so that is all i will say for now.

People suck.