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Hell Yeah! Oh Heavens No...
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:25
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 Hell Yeah! (9)
 Oh Heavens No... (7)

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Do people that talk about their religion constantly annoy you??

*knock knock* Do you know Jesus?

Hell Yeah!

Side Score: 15

Oh Heavens No...

Side Score: 10
4 points

You wanna talk about religion? Talk to the hand!

Side: Hell Yeah!
2 points

Definitely annoying. Especially when they ask me what religion I belong to and I say none. Their immediate assumption is that I'm atheistic which is false, and then on the agnostic which is closer but also false. The real truth is I REALLY DON'T CARE. The divine has never impacted my life at all so i see no reason to spend any of my time thinking about it. The usual response is, "Wait, then what is atheism?"

Side: Hell Yeah!
2 points

I lived in NC for about 3 years, and I loved it, with one major exception; whenever anyone introduced themselves to you at a social function, they would always ask you what church you belonged to. It was annoying. After a while, rather than say none, I'd make up really interesting or silly names of churches. I would say it so seriously that they didn't know if it was a real church or not. I stopped this when I told some guy (who was very prominent in the local Baptist church) that I was an active member in the Church of Free Will and Love, and he thought I meant I wanted to have a "date" with he and his wife. Ewwww, creepy!!!

Now, to answer the question - only if it is 'thrust' upon me with no indication that I give a shit.

Side: Hell Yeah!
2 points

Treat your religion like your penis. Don't shove it down other people's throats.

Side: Hell Yeah!

That phrase was my profile pic for this website for quite a while.

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point

People who talk about any topic constantly annoy me. Variety is the spice of life!

Side: Hell Yeah!

There is a place and time to discuss religion. Unless you attend a religious institution, work at a religious school or church, or work with devout members of your own religion, the time and place for that is within your own home or family, at your place of religious gathering, or with yourself. If you go to a public, state-run school, then don't tell someone that they're going to hell just because they turn in a late homework assignment or swear or something of that nature. No one wants to hear it! (I'm now going to contradict myself lol). The bible says (I'm paraphrasing, of course) to not toot your own horn about your religion. If your religion requires that you cross yourself when you swear; and you swear in public, don't cross yourself! Why? Because if you have to do something like that after swearing, then you shouldn't be swearing! If someone swears in your presence, don't have a holier-than-thou conversation with them about the evils of words and try to convert them to whatever religion you are affiliated with! Keep it to yourself and say a prayer for them when you get home.

Side: Hell Yeah!

I am, however, a catholic and I have no problem with religion.

Side: Hell Yeah!

Everything should be in moderation but people who constantly talk about their own religion can be annoying.

Side: Hell Yeah!
2 points

I look at it as an opportunity to convert them to the dark side. Jehovah witnesses are the easiest followed by the Mormons. Give me 3 days, a bag of skittles and finger nail file. I'll then create the legion of doom out of members of any religion.

Side: Oh Heavens No...
2 points

People that talk about their religion only? Yes. It's quite annoying, just like if someone were to talk about their pet or their family all the time.

As for people who merely bring up religion a lot in everyday conversation, I don't mind at all. It can be quite enlightening.

Side: Oh Heavens No...

Not any more than atheists bashing religion, no ;)

Side: Oh Heavens No...
1 point

I think they are just doing what they believe they are called to do. If they annoy me too much I just close the door in their face and tell them to go away.

Side: Oh Heavens No...
1 point

They amuse me immensely. I don't hear people talk about their religion as much as I used to and I really miss the arguments.

Side: Oh Heavens No...
1 point

You must not be watching Fox News enough! heehee.

Side: Oh Heavens No...
1 point

Seeing as I am one of those people, those who like to talk religion don't annoy me at all. Intelligent people know how to hold a good conversation, and stupid people have plenty of buttons to push. It's always a learning experience and a great way to polish up an argument.

Side: Oh Heavens No...