
Debate Info

Of course we do I don't, honestly
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Of course we do (4)
 I don't, honestly (1)

Debate Creator

Quocalimar(6470) pic

Do we as people enjoy controversy?

Before you answer this, think about this.

Calvinist arguing with an Arminian

You are on a debate site. That doesn't mean you like controversy, maybe you're the one person here who sees an unsound argument, and just really wanted to share your thouhgts on it, or maybe you really don't want to fight you just think you're right and want to show everyone the right way. Then again, maybe a topic with lots of people to tell off makes you giddy. Maybe you enjoy telling people they're wrong not because you want to educate them, but instead because you get a primal enjoyment out of the arguing process.


Of course we do

Side Score: 5

I don't, honestly

Side Score: 1
2 points

People who don't like conflict have conflict with those who do.

Side: Of course we do

Anyone saying no, reply to me with this answer 1st please.

What was the last movie you saw with zero conflicts in it?

If you have an answer to that answer this.

Was it a good movie?

Side: Of course we do

Controversy is exciting. People don't tire from controversy. Bring it on!

Side: Of course we do

I don't enjoy controversy, you freaking freak. And if you want me to answer your dumb questions before a I pick a side all I have to say about that is, MAKE ME. Yeah, that's right..., you heard me right. Bring it, bro.

Am I doing a disservice to my cause yet ;)

Side: I don't, honestly
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

Certainly not. I definitely think you have a sound argument. Everything you posted has major warrant and awesome claims. That's awesome in the poetic sense not in the 'dude I just totaled my mom's car...awesome' sense.


Side: Of course we do