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Ya Nope
Debate Score:67
Total Votes:79
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 Ya (24)
 Nope (27)

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LordSkeptic(93) pic

Do we still need feminism in first world countrys?


Side Score: 29


Side Score: 38
3 points

Things women still deal with:

Dress Code inequality.

Men and boys sexualizing us.

Not enough teaching of consent.

Sexual abuse is 1 in 6.

Pink Tax exists on things we NEED

Pay gap IS a thing faced for people in first world countries.

Abortion and health care is trying to be taken away which is a right and medical need for many.

Side: Ya
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Pink Tax exists on things we NEED

Buy male razors. Go for it. You don't need a pink razor. You might find out that the male razors are tougher to use and the pink tax is for comfort.

Pay gap IS a thing faced for people in first world countries

No it isn't.

Side: Nope
Seddiefan11(6) Disputed
1 point

Yes i'll just buy male tampons. There aren't any. I didn't chose to have a period so why am i pay a tax on something that is nessicary for me to live day to day with?

as for pay gap: it's a 20% gap difference that is very real, clearly you just don't care enough to notice this. <--- reasearch and statistics to 2017

Side: Ya
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

-Dress code inequality goes both ways. What are your facial hair standards?

-Men and boys are also sexualized. Not only that, but a failure to sexualize is also viewed as bigoted (see body shaming and genital discrimination). Women sometimes find empowerment in their sexuality, bigots would take that from them.

-The nature of consent is so legally questionable that women can retroactively remove the consent previously provided. If both parties are intoxicated, it is she who cannot consent and he who is in trouble. Even with these fuzzy cases that fail in court, the accused may be ruined in other ways, i.e. College expulsion.

-A slap on the butt, though properly considered a crime, is figured into sexual assault statistics the same as rape, which skews the conversation. Furthermore, the 1 in 6 statistic attempts to account for unreported crimes, which is inherently unreliable.

-Pink tax on feminine products (tampons, not pink razors) probably should be removed. Most taxes should be removed. I would then argue to remove taxes on all hygiene products.

-The pay gap is 4.8% to 7% according to the Department of Labor. A gap whose cause cannot be accounted for. It could be the result of a disproportionate number of females attaining higher numbers of the lowest paying college degrees.

-No one is trying to stop anyone from attaining their own healthcare, as is everyone's right. No one has the right to private services to be paid by someone else. While there are efforts against abortion, you are still legally able to kill you fetus in most cases and in most places. The flip side of this issue is that a father has no say in abortion and is discriminated against in custody battles.

Side: Nope
1 point

We need EVERY special interest or social movement represented in first world countries. That's how democracy is supposed to work. And that also means if we have people who believe in White Supremacy we need them speaking their part, too, because that's the only way we're going to know what they're up to or have a chance to argue against them.

Banning or doing away with an issue like feminism only serves to make people who believe in it simmer about it and fly under the radar.

Side: Ya
Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

Your point is the best argument for freedom of the worste kind of speech. However, the argument that the group is needed is different from the argument that it should not be banned.

Side: Ya
1 point

Hello L:

Sure.. As long as women are treated like second class citizens, they NEED to fight for their rights.. When they do, it's called "feminism"..


Side: Ya
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

They aren't treated like second class citizens in America. Do you think feminism is still needed in America.

Side: Nope
Seddiefan11(6) Disputed
0 points

Yeah. Pay gap is still a thing and it isn't projected to go away until 2152 with people having attitudes like you. Also 1 in 6 are sexually assaulted which to me is worse than second class that's being treated like a POS

Side: Ya
excon(18262) Disputed
-1 points

Hello C:

In terms of income, they are. So, until they reach equality in pay, feminism is STILL needed.. In terms of their sexuality, they are ALSO treated as second class citizens.. Lemme ask you this. Do men have dominion over their own body??? I assert, they DO. Do women?? I assert, they DON'T.. Until they do, feminism is desperately needed.


Side: Ya
1 point


I'd like that first world countries would give parental leave to both parents...

I'd like to have the reduced tax on period products...

I'd like to tone down female sexualization....

I'd like to see more women in scientific fields...

I'd like to not have 50 women killed by their partners in my country every year on average, and that 75% of them never reported anything...

I could go on and on.

Side: Ya
1 point


Side: Nope
3 points

No, I think the whole silly issue has developed into a skirt too far.


Side: Nope
1 point

We do not. We do however need feminist in the middle east where women are oppressed. But they are nowhere to be found.

Side: Nope
Seddiefan11(6) Disputed
1 point

Do women in the middle east need it more than first world women? Yes. But that doesn't mean we don't need it.

Things women still deal with:

Dress Code inequality.

Men and boys sexualizing us.

Not enough teaching of consent.

Sexual abuse is 1 in 6.

Pink Tax exists on things we NEED

Pay gap IS a thing faced for people in first world countries.

Abortion and health care is trying to be taken away which is a right and medical need for many.

All still very present in first world.

Side: Ya
zlUnreal(158) Disputed
1 point

Dress Code Inequality:

Is your aim for this only toward women? Because Men also have to follow the dress code. It is not exclusively for women.

Men and Boys Sexualizing us:

Again, you speak as if women have the monopoly on being discriminated against. Men and boys experience this too. Also, I find it ironic how a feminist is speaking about being sexualized when the mainstream view over female sexual expression is praised among your peers. Ever been to a slut walk?

Not enough teaching of consent:

May I ask who is your targeted audience for this one? Is it only men or is it women as well? If it is only men then how about we talk about retracting consent. Do you agree that if two people agree to sexual relations and if one of them (the majority of the time women) regret doing the act he or she can report the other person for rape?

Sexual Abuse is 1 in 6:

Where did you get that number.

Pink Tax exist on things we need:

I do not like the taxation of items but If you are telling me that you cannot simply buy items that are cheaper then you are an idiot for spending more money on items such as razors just because they are pink. You remind me of tourist in Manhattan who spend 2 dollars for a 16 oz. bottle of water when in the Bronx it cost 50 cents.

Pay gap is a thing faced for people in first world countries:

Pay gap has been debunked so many times. Its not real. Go pick up a dictionary and look up the difference between wages and earnings.

Abortion is a right:

You do not have a right to kill another child just because it is an inconvenience.

Healthcare is a right:

Healthcare is a commodity

Side: Nope