
Debate Info

Yes. No.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 Yes. (2)
 No. (3)

Debate Creator

SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Do you agree with this man.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 4
2 points

Yes. Prohibition of an addictive substance is just paving the way for black market activity, and encourages co-mingling it distribution with other criminal activities. Putting reasonable regulations is perfectly fine. But full-on criminalization is ludicrous.

Side: Yes.

I agree. The emphasis should be on revery, not reincarceration.

Side: Yes.
1 point

His douchiness and intolerance portrayed just by his shirt was too much for me to bare. I stopped the video at like ten seconds.

Side: No.

I agree that he is a douche, but what do you think on smoke bans?

Side: No.
1 point

Well if Muckamcaw's summary is accurate I agree with her, and by way of that, with him, but I seriously couldn't even sit through the video for more than ten seconds. He gives off an air of arrogance that I don't like to associate myself with, be encompassed by, or really even know of.

Side: No.