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 Do you believe in bad spirits, Satan, voodoo? (17)

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Safiya(152) pic

Do you believe in bad spirits, Satan, voodoo?

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3 points

The idea is ridiculous. Why is it that, when we see for a fact humans are capable themselves of all manner of "bad", some still insist on attributing bad to magic?

And the same goes for good.

It's not god, it's not the devil, it's not witches or fairies or aliens. It's just people.

Safiya(152) Disputed
0 points

The things people who participate in voodoo can do has to be a bad magic of some sort or the devil because it's not humanly possible.

iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

Ah, I see.

Yesterday I caught a leprechaun and am holding it ransom until it shows me the pot of gold. He says he's a midget and I'm being a dick, but I know a leprechaun when I see it.

Smoke and mirrors. It's a trick.

2 points

I believe in ghosts, does that count.

2 points

Every time I see someone beginning their argument with "I believe" I simply don't read any further.

1 point

I believe those three shouldn't be compared. You can just believe in one of those. I'm Wicca so I do believe in witchcraft and the use of Voodoo (but not the kind to hurt another). Spirits yes I believe in them, cause I'm a witness to two encounters. But, Satan I do not believe in. I believe in reincarnation until you success with the goal set out for you. Then you go to Summerland (Heaven sort of).

Emperor(1348) Disputed
2 points

I have come to think that if a person believes in something, and it is not an opinion, it is likely wrong.

Thus, you are wrong.

Wicca is wrong. It is objectively incorrect and made up.

It's bullshit.

Brainsikk13(80) Disputed
1 point

I would have to know you to respect your opinions on my own belief. To say my religion is most likely wrong without a reason to say why, doesn't make you the brightest crayon in the box. I can go hours on how my belief is more realistic than Christianity, but I don't like to hurt people.

1 point

Anyways that got off topic soo spirits yes, satan no, voodoo yes but I don't practice it :) Sorry about that conversation, I hate defending my self from close minded athiests but someone has to do it :)

1 point

Currently in the stage of untangling, as 'satan' is such a mish-mash of different myths... it would be stupid to believe in him.

Spirits, or entities don't like being classified as good or bad: seriously. The weaker 'bad' ones, ghosts, can be malignant (trapped in a cycle of general despair and murder), or poltergeist (let's wreck stuff, no-one can stop me 'wrong'). Higher entities are just arrogant, full stop. They consider humans as lower, like we consider animals.

Voodoo is a con: with herbs, swamps and skulls.

I only believe they exist in horror movies. It does make for scary talk.