
Debate Info

Of course, Trump lost! No way, I'm right wing
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:17
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 Of course, Trump lost! (8)
 No way, I'm right wing (6)

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Lopilulu(286) pic

Do you believe the Electoral College makes America undemocratic?

Of course, Trump lost!

Side Score: 9

No way, I'm right wing

Side Score: 7
Amarel(5669) Banned
1 point

First of all, the U.S. isn't a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic with Democratic influence.

The Electoral College was created for the exact reason that we're not a Democracy: because in a Democracy, Tyranny of the Majority rules all. By providing smaller (in terms of population) States with disproportionate power, they have a say in who's elected.

Side: Of course, Trump lost!
Lopilulu(286) Disputed
1 point

Downvoted for copying another's debate. Banned for not just the plagiarism but suspicion that you are using multiple accounts to bypass bans.

Side: No way, I'm right wing
1 point

Copied from

"The electoral college consists of 538 electors, and of those, a candidate needs 270 votes to become president. Although the Founding Fathers wanted the people to have a say, there was concern that a charismatic tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come into power. Alexander Hamilton briefly addressed these concerns in the Federalist Papers. The idea was that the electors would be a group of people who would ensure that a qualified person would become president."

The founders established for us, a constitutional republic, with this and other, safeguards .

Side: Of course, Trump lost!
1 point

First of all, the U.S. isn't a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic with Democratic influence.

The Electoral College was created for the exact reason that we're not a Democracy: because in a Democracy, Tyranny of the Majority rules all. By providing smaller (in terms of population) States with disproportionate power, they have a say in who's elected.

Side: Of course, Trump lost!
1 point

First of all, the U.S. isn't a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic with Democratic influence.

The Electoral College was created for the exact reason that we're not a Democracy: because in a Democracy, Tyranny of the Majority rules all. By providing smaller (in terms of population) States with disproportionate power, they have a say in who's elected.

Side: Of course, Trump lost!
1 point

Well, do we have the House electing representatives and the Senate electing senators? No, we don't. The People elect them directly, so just like our congressmen, the POTUS should be directly elected. Impeachment is the counter to dictators, we shouldn't be having representatives choose our President.

Side: Of course, Trump lost!

They represent the will of the people of their respective states, so yessiree Bob. What was undemocratic was the left threatening Electorates of the states Trump won in an effort to disenfranchise/suppress the voter's will- that is unamerican!

Side: No way, I'm right wing
1 point

First of all, the U.S. isn't a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic with Democratic influence.

The Electoral College was created for the exact reason that we're not a Democracy: because in a Democracy, Tyranny of the Majority rules all. By providing smaller (in terms of population) States with disproportionate power, they have a say in who's elected.

Side: No way, I'm right wing
Lopilulu(286) Disputed
1 point

Everything you said supports the other side. You are banned for misrepresenting your side.

Side: Of course, Trump lost!
1 point

First of all, the U.S. isn't a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic with Democratic influence.

The Electoral College was created for the exact reason that we're not a Democracy: because in a Democracy, Tyranny of the Majority rules all. By providing smaller (in terms of population) States with disproportionate power, they have a say in who's elected.

Side: No way, I'm right wing
Lopilulu(286) Disputed
1 point

Banned .

Side: Of course, Trump lost!
1 point

The EC isn't "undemocratic", it's just a different form of democracy. It's indeed LESS democratic than simply a straight popular vote. And to some extent having solely a popular vote is dangerous because the most highly populated areas will wield far more power that way.

But with all that said, the EC is without doubt an odd institution which serves more to confuse both USA citizens and foreigners abroad than to clarify. Quite frankly its time and reason to exist has passed.

Side: No way, I'm right wing
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

As you stated be done with the EC and let the popular vote elect the POTUS ! Now what does the EC have to do with foreigners aboard ?

Side: Of course, Trump lost!

No, it doesn't.

He isn't the only person who will be ruling your country, and the division into constituencies is necessary for the functioning of the government.

It was already obvious that such a scenario could happen. It wasn't ever impossible or inconceivable to guess. It'd be childish to now say that he hasn't got the popular vote, so the system is suddenly "undemocratic".

Side: No way, I'm right wing