
Debate Info

I do because I do not because
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 I do because (2)
 I do not because (5)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Do you believe this quote and why?

"God is in the detail" - anonymous

Note: this has nothing to do with religion, yet as it was coined by someone most likely religious it had to do with the perfection of that religious being, as being key to the details. So the phrase means details are very important. Do you believe this ot not and why?

Adam and eve...with belly buttons

Throwback to other debate.

I do because

Side Score: 2

I do not because

Side Score: 5

I believe the qoute, but not your argument. Due to said reasons

Side: I do because
1 point

Adam made from mud, Eve made from his rib, they lived in Lala land with talking snake and you are sorting out belly buttons? :D

Side: I do because

1) Not really because I dont understand what it means.

2) It is just a painting. I highly doubt somebody was there stalking Adam and Eve wanting to paint them.

Side: I do not because
1 point

Belly buttons come from being in the womb and having an umbilical cord that is attached to your mother. Adam and Eve should not have had belly buttons, they were not born, they were created.

I totally agree that it is silly to claim your belief system is shattered over a simple painting.

Side: I do not because

Thanks for clarifying that. But yeah I dont think a painting simply shatters the entire faith.

Side: I do not because

I don't believe in that quote, but your debate is still ridiculous.

Those are statues, arts. Not the real people.

Side: I do not because
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Why is everyone in a huff over the picture, it's just a picture that's relevant to God being in the details. I'm not calling anything out, the picture was obviously drawn thousands of years after their actual time by an artists drawing what he imagined them like, albeit forgetting that people are born with a navel and people created are not.

Side: I do because
Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
1 point

Good points.

And besides, God could have given them belly buttons if he wanted to. Since he was all knowing, he may have anticpated the necessary genetics and arrangments of blood vessels for continued life and reproduction.

Side: I do because
1 point

I'm pretty sure the quote is probably talking about the common reference people make: "Just look at the world, it's obvious it was created by God, so much detail and beauty."

Either way, I don't believe in the quote because I disagree with both possible meanings behind the quote.

Also, seeing as these are paintings obviously not done as an "portrait" picture, but rather a painting of imagination... it's pretty insignificant that they have belly buttons. Simple painter error when imagining Adam and Eve.

Though, if the Bible said Adam and Eve had belly buttons... we would have a good argument against the story. Not like we don't have enough, but the more the merrier.

Side: I do not because