
Debate Info

No. of course not Trump doesn't understand shit
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:23
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 No. of course not (6)
 Trump doesn't understand shit (11)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

Do you have EMERGENCIES at home, and then go to the movies???

No. of course not

Side Score: 6

Trump doesn't understand shit

Side Score: 13
1 point

Now STUPOR STUPID what you typed here is just PURE GENIUS LMMFAO !!!!!!

Do you have EMERGENCIES at home, and then go to the movies???

What the FUCK does that mean in your CONFUSED WORLD as Anderson Cooper LIES to you ? Don Lemon could possibly help you out because that IDIOT NIGGER is still looking for a missing airplane sucked UP by a BLACK HOLE !!!!!!!!! ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!

Side: No. of course not

What are you talking about?

Side: No. of course not
excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

What are you talking about?

Hello J:

Yeah... I coulda done better..

Trump declared a NATIONAL EMERGENCY, and then went to play golf.. It just doesn't SEEM like an emergency if you can PLAY golf in the midst of it..


Side: No. of course not
1 point

Trump declared a NATIONAL EMERGENCY, and then went to play golf.. It just doesn't SEEM like an emergency if you can PLAY golf in the midst of it..

Cool. Do you like flashbacks? I know I sure as hell do.

A Terrorist Horror, Then Golf: Incongruity Fuels Obama Critics

Assuming you think terrorism is an emergency...

Side: No. of course not
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Your IGNORANT ASS types but you are BRAIN DEAD LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read what you are trying to avoid because CNN and MSDNC has not given you any facts and they depend on you being BRAIN DEAD as you have demonstrated time and time again !!!!!!!

Side: Trump doesn't understand shit
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point digits-still-effect/

STUPOR STUPID you should learn to use the internet Al Gore made for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Trump doesn't understand shit
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Did Morning Joke and Mika HAVE you all SPUN UP IDIOT or was it DONNY DOUCHE ?????

Side: Trump doesn't understand shit
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Maybe you need to read this Leftist website and get you some perspective as to what you do know nor has been reported to YOU by Jim Acosta !!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Trump doesn't understand shit

Well if you put it that way, it does seem like Trump is either incompetent or dishonest. Who would of guessed?

Side: No. of course not

Do you have EMERGENCIES at home, and then go to the movies???

I do like Obama did, and go golfing, or dancing, or to a baseball game with a Communist dictator in Cuba.

Or...I send personel to handle the emergency, then do whatever the hell I want, but that's just me.

Side: Trump doesn't understand shit
jamesbody(80) Disputed
0 points

I do like Obama did, and go golfing, or dancing, or to a baseball game with a Communist dictator in Cuba.

As opposed to what Trump did you mean? Having tea with Kim Jong Un?

You are just literally pathetic. It's one set of rules for the right and the opposite set of rules for the left, isn't it?

Just fuck off. Go do something useful and throw your idiot face in front of a bus.

Side: No. of course not
Cocopops(347) Disputed
1 point

You're not comparing like with like.

Negotiating with the deranged leader of a nuclear power in an attempt to have him curtail the propagation of his weapons of mass destruction and the further development of his country's rocket delivery systems is not in anyway comparable with having an altogether meaningless tea and chocolate cookies meeting with a paper tiger who shares similar left wing political ideologies.

Man, man oh man, you're still as dumb as ever.

Side: Trump doesn't understand shit
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You are as STUPID as SUPER STUPID but your DUMB ASS has entertainment value !!!!!!!

Read what you are unaware of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Trump doesn't understand shit
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point digits-still-effect/

Get informed so you do not look as fuckin stupid as you are TROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Trump doesn't understand shit