
Debate Info

I have 6 Nahhh.. I'm NOT a nut
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:26
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 I have 6 (12)
 Nahhh.. I'm NOT a nut (9)

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excon(18261) pic

Do you have your very own space laser, or are Jews the only ones?

I have 6

Side Score: 14

Nahhh.. I'm NOT a nut

Side Score: 11
2 points

They're not just for Jews, even my cat has one !

Side: I have 6

Man Israel is not synonymous with the Jews, If Israel has a laser gun that doesn't mean the Jews have a laser gun it just means that a country with a lot of Jews has a laser gun.

Side: I have 6
1 point

Man Israel is not synonymous with the Jews, If Israel has a laser gun that doesn't mean the Jews have a laser gun it just means that a country with a lot of Jews has a laser gun.

That's a fair comment but I think only the second part is true. If you believe Israel is not synonymous with Jews then try arguing against Israeli foreign policy. Watch how quickly you are labelled as an anti-Semite.

Side: Nahhh.. I'm NOT a nut
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Honestly, it was refreshing to see you angry about Saudi Arabia for once. Of course that's only because they are a US ally but still.

Side: I have 6
1 point

Space lasers are protected by the Second Amendment.

The space lasers in question were Episcopalian.

Side: I have 6
1 point

assumeworld I was impressed with the site that you created, so memotipasi many people to be more advanced, there also kunjugi me, as a comparison

Side: I have 6
2 points

She's the poster child for the Clown Army. What a sickening period of time we live in. Good luck to our democracy, it needs it.

I'm so glad that Joe Biden is our President right now. I can't imagine anyone better suited to deal with the immense challenges he faces.

Side: Nahhh.. I'm NOT a nut
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I can't imagine anyone better suited to deal with the immense challenges he faces

Really? Not Obama? Or his wife?

I hope you can imagine Harris dealing with it.

Side: I have 6
2 points

Clearly this post was down-voted because someone here thinks that Biden truly is singularly equipped for his position in a way that Obama or his wife are not and that we should not imagine the VP in the President's position.

Who will speak up for the position behind the down-voted?

Side: Nahhh.. I'm NOT a nut
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

I don't know enough about Harris to know how well she'll handle anything but I do think, so far, this new administrations handling of their press briefings indicate a more organized and mature circus then what we've had for the last four years. So that's something.

Side: I have 6
Mongele(643) Disputed
1 point

That patronizing bullshit backfired on you.

Why do you consider that in the whole of America there is no one better than Biden to deal with the challenges facing the nation?

What elements of his past record do you feel deserves him to be praised so highly?

One instance;- he is on record stating that ''signing executive orders is not democracy, it is dictatorship''.

He's hardly got his coat off and he's signed dozens already.

Give that man another pen.

Side: I have 6
1 point

Why do you consider that in the whole of America there is no one better than Biden to deal with the challenges facing the nation?

Biden has been involved in American politics at the highest level for the last 48 years. How about that you lowbrow fascist dope?

Side: Nahhh.. I'm NOT a nut
1 point

I don't have one, BUT I have a friend who is a Jew and I'm sure she'd let me borrow hers.

Side: Nahhh.. I'm NOT a nut