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brontoraptor(28599) pic

Do you like the concept of the new Monopoly Cheater's Edition?

Monopoly Longer Wants You to Follow the Rules

A new 'Cheaters Edition,' coming out this fall, will change the face of the game — and encourage players to find ways to cut corners

A new edition of the classic family board game Monopoly will satisfy those underhanded relatives who bend — or break — the rules to win.

“Monopoly: The Cheaters Edition” will ask players to cheat through a new feature called cheat cards, reported. The cards will give players a series of tasks throughout the game — such as skipping spaces, avoiding rent payments and even committing bank robbery — rewarding those who succeed with extra money and free properties.

“We’re excited to see what fans can get away with and how they’ll react to the new sneaky twists in the game,” Jonathan Berkowitz, Hasbro gaming’s senior vice president, told the site.

After recent studies by the company showed that nearly half the game's players attempted to cheat, Berkowitz told the outlet they've decided it was time to embrace the more deceptive players.

"We decided it was time to give fans what they've been craving all along," Berkowitz said.

However, players will have to remain crafty about their cheating methods or else face the consequences.

Players who get caught will get "cuffed" with the game's appropriately included handcuffs — and may be sent to jail or face fines, according to FOX Spokane.

Outside the new twist, the game's objective will stay the same: The player with the most money wins.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
1 point

Do you like the concept that I am supreme and ultimate and real by definition?

Side: Like
1 point

Yay lets teach children to cheat and lie, I'm sure it will come in handy during their lives

Side: Hate
0 points

Monopoly Cheaters Edition? They should have named it The Trump Edition! Does it have a step where you can file a lawsuit against the guy that cheated you?? 'Cause if it doesn't its "rigged", conservative capitalist style, (sans regulatory agencies).

Side: Hate
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Crazy Al of Road Island did the American voters cheat you from the " Promised Land " of a Hillary election ?

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