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Debate Score:32
Total Votes:40
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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Do you love America?

Doen't matter if you're American or not. Just a question. No one will be offended if you say anything bad, you know.. yada yada yada


Side Score: 18


Side Score: 14
3 points

Although I may not love every aspect of the country, and I may disagree with individual actions that the government takes, I still love the country. The fact that I can come on here, a public place to express opinion, and openly criticize the government is one of the reasons I love it. Nobody in a black van is going to come pick me up and send me to a "re-learning facility," and I definitely love that. Sometimes I feel that the citizens of this country take for granted the freedom that we have, and I always feel like I should remind them that even the worst-off American has it better off than most of the people in the world.

Side: yes
2 points

Yep, it's my home and my safe haven.

There is a danger in the fact that terrorists hate us the most right now, BUT, our defense is brick strong. other countries with less defense have received WAY more damage than us because we spend a shit load on security and military.

I like the idea of freedom. I know other countries are free too (especially Ireland), but something about America, feels good. Although, Amsterdam allows drugs and prostitution... if America legalizes that, Amsterdam's screwed ;)

I love Israel too. Dangerous place though since Palestinians and Hamas keeps on launching rockets into their country.

America is great. I do believe we should have less laws and smaller government, but the good thing is that we have the ability to do that. Power to the People.

Side: yes
2 points

Regardless of what is going on in this country, I will always love it. It does not matter if the nation is in complete turmoil or is decaying to a third world country, both of which are hypothetical situations, my heart always has a big spot in it for America. This is why I want to serve in her military in the navy.

Side: yes
1 point

I'm British, but I love America passionately. In my opinion American is the greatest country on this planet, no other place on earth compares with it. I have visited the USA on vacation 8 times and seen 32 states. America is a land of such magnificent diversity, from spectacular desert landscapes to breathtaking mountain systems. I first visited the United States in 1999; I've never wanted to see any other country since then. I know more about the history and geography of America than I do about my own country. I've seen more of America than I have of Britain. Yes, I love America very much.

Side: yes

I served as a U.S. soldier and I'd do it again if I weren't so damn old.

Side: yes
1 point

I so love this country ! I'm not an American, I live in Bulgaria and I'm still not 18 so I can move to this beautiful land ! I want to win a green card so much ! Just a few more years and I can apply !

Side: yes

I was born here and I do love America. There are so many other countries that are dirty, barbaric, and treat their citizens horribly.

Side: Yes
1 point

No.. it's full of Americans. And I really don't like Americans in general. IN GENERAL (remember that part)

Side: No
0 points

no because I'm Australian AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!!!!!!

and the usa made the a bomb =(

Side: No
Tugman(749) Disputed
1 point

What did the Australian government do to the Aborigines??????????

Side: yes
duncer(418) Disputed
1 point

said sorry and gives the lots a cash and support programs witch is bs but hey who am i to judge

Side: No

But now wait a minute.... didn't we help you guys out during WWII against the Japanese?

Side: yes
duncer(418) Disputed
1 point

because they blew up peal harbor and and wtf is with 50 now it was less once

Side: yes

I'm Swedish (living in New York) and so not a fan of the US.

Side: No

Well..., I hope you don't take this the wrong way but, if you prefer Sweden, why don't you go back ;)

Side: yes

I fully intend to once I graduate into the crazy world of adulthood. My future definitely does not lie within the States. I'm thinking Gothenburg.

Side: No