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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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LoveStargirl(496) pic

Do you think free speech should be protected even if it is extremely offensive? Why?


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 4
4 points

Protecting free speech is most important when it's disliked or hated. Or in this case, offensive.

Who (not many) would try to take away or suppress someone's free speech when they like what was expressed?

Side: Yeah
2 points

Yes, people get offended too easily. Chances are that most things that anyone says is offensive to someone in some way. Let people have their freedom to express themselves. However, keep in mind that I am not advocating pornography or other such things. There is a difference between offensive and dangerous.

Side: Yeah
Revolt(200) Disputed
1 point

Do you believe pornography is dangerous because it can be addictive like alcohol and tobacco?

Side: No

Yes..., otherwise I would get beat up a lot ;)

Side: Yeah

Because some fundamentalists and wackos are extremely offended by just about everything, free speech itself included. If we banned all topics that some over-sensitive soul takes offense to, we'd literally have nothing we could legally talk about.

Side: Yeah
1 point

Free speech isn't about defending statements that people agree with - it's about defending statements that people don't agree with.

Limiting free speech because people find it offensive is nothing short of censorship.

Side: Yeah
1 point

Yes. The reason why is if you outlaw one example of free speech that is deemed offensive there will be a snowball effect and people will just claim any form of free speech they don't like is offensive. That would effectively end free speech.

Also, censorship flat out doesn't work because people instinctively want to express themselves.

Side: Yeah

Free speech must be protected absolutely; otherwise, it is not free speech, and it is regulated speech.

Side: Yeah
1 point

No. In my point of view , an action that has no appropriate string attached (law enforcement , personal limitation , social rules .. and the like) , would most probably play havoc with our personal and others safety. Freedom in administering one's opinions to the public is acceptable , only if there is some attached rules and regulations . Once pros and cons are being delivered unto a person , group , society or even country , the impact that come in parallel is literally unimaginable . To be pessimictic , just on the worst side of the scenario , all critiques , accuses of no bases and facts that throw towards a party , would , of no doubt , create turbulence in no time . Right ?

Side: No

i think it should, but if it is racist or sexist, it shouldnt be taken to the supreme court or anything, but should have some consequences, but not lawfully. i dont know, im a little in the middle.

Side: No

If free speech is really offensive toward an individual, I don't think that derogatory language fits in with Freedom of Speech.

Side: No