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 Does America need to get back to our Christian roots? Look at man's morals without God. (50)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Does America need to get back to our Christian roots? Look at man's morals without God.

Many Athiests tell us that man can be moral without faith in God. Lets look at Man's so called moral values in this nation since separating mention of God in public.

Remember 50 years ago when promiscuous sex was deemed immoral because of the resulting fatherless children? Man does not agree.

Remember when living together outside of marriage was considered immoral because of lack of commitment and the many parentless children created when relationships fall apart? Man does not agree.

Remember when divorce (if not caused from abuse) was considered immoral? Man says no fault divorce is the way to go.

Remember when killing even late term Babies(when not extreme cases) was cosidered barbaric? Democrats do not agree.

Remember when people were disgusted at the thought of organs from unborn Baby's being harvested and sold? Democrats do not agree.

Remember when a late term Baby born alive from a botched abortion would not be allowed to die? Democrats now dissagree.

Remember when forcing others to be a part of the inhumanity of abortion by paying for it was considered immoral? Democrats do not agree.

Remember a time when our community's had the freedoms to choose a public school prayer if the people so chose, and our schools spent their days teaching the basics to our children? Remember when schools understood that children should not be exposed to controversial sexual topics such as Gay awareness days, and now transgender awareness? Man dissagrees.

Remember when millions of Americans were not totally supported by welfare, a time when able bodied people asking for charity was considered shameful? Democrats say it is your right and entitlement to take from others.

Remember a time when family helped family and Church and neighbors volunteered to help the poor? Man says it is Government's job to redistribute our money to pay for bloated Government social programs.

Our nation is going bankrupt fiscally and morally from the so called moral values of Man. A self absorbed values system built on sand that shifts with the changing political structure. Our values were once shaped from our Christian heritage, built on bedrock, and the majority of our children enjoyed the security of having a mother and father at home. Gee what a shock, our childrens grades were much better during those times. Go figure. We as a nation put the well being of our children over our own selfish desires.

Man keeps putting band aides on the problems by redistributing more and more of tax payer's income to support parentless children. Government solutions do not work as we are seeing. America must get back to a values system that respected and supported our children, our we will end in anarchy. Government makes terrible fathers!
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5 points

All of this summed up: "remember 50 years ago when we could tell everyone what to do? God I miss that". People can do whatever the fuck they want. It's called FREEDOM jackass. You conservatives tote freedom as your central value yet at every turn you wanna control people's private lives. You wanna tell them they can't be together, you wanna tell them they can't have sex, you wanna tell them then can't get divorced, and you wanna force them to keep a child they don't want. You dont control them. Shut the fuck up and mind you own business you whiny little authoritarian cunt

dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained” .... George Washington

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

"Christianity is pretty damn stupid" - Benjamin Franklin

Tallen24605(10) Disputed
1 point

I agree that America needs to return to God. Man is lost without the guidance of the Lord. And if you don't like it then go live on a deserted island. The hell with your liberal ideals. You liberals are the ones who have destroyed this nation and deserve to be tried for treason and should be exiled from America on pain of Capital Punishment.

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
0 points

The basis of the entire United States, the purpose of the government and the values this nation holds to are in the constitution. You know what's not in the constitution? The words: bible, Jesus, god, Christianity, ect. None of those appear. You know what references to religion do show up? 1st amendment- freedom to practice religion, government cannot establish a state religion or favor any one religion over another. So if Christianity is foundation or America it seems like the constitution would make that pretty clear. Furthermore, article 6- there shall be no religious test to hold public office in america. Both this and the 1st amendment establish a SECULAR government that isn't allowed to favor christianity or any other faith.

So if YOU don't like that then YOU can move to a deserted island and establish your theocracy.

Please tell me which liberal ideas destroyed our country (which is still the richest and most successful on earth). Was it the liberals who voted NO on the Iraq war that cost us trillions of dollars and started the war on terror? Was it the liberals who voted NO on deregulating wall street leading to the repeal of Glas steagal and causing the sub prime mortgage crisis and great recession? Surely its LIBERALS who were responsible for George Bush's ABYSMAL approval rating. Well, I'm waiting

2 points

At least he didn't lie about teen pregnancy being higher 50 years ago. He still hasn't figured out that Christians got school prayer banned though.

Remember the Dark Ages when the Church's rule was absolute and people would be punished for heresy, blasphemy and they would go on witch hunts???? Ahh, the good old days........ NOT!

dadman(1703) Disputed
0 points

That was the > apostate < Roman Catholic "church" ..... not Christian at all .... show me in the Christian New Covenant where one is commanded one to hurt another because one might not believe .... it's not there - quite the opposite is true of Biblical Christianity ........ Atheism and world peace ?? 838926049484772/?type=1&theater;.... not so much

1 point

It's still religion, or religious based and the followers are just as nutty as any other. I'll pass. Thankfully we have separation of Church and State.

What a bunch of fools. AS ALWAYS you idiots try to say Christians were telling you how to live and making moral laws. This is all you have because you know the moral values of man is a joke.

No one was telling you you could not live with someone, or get a divorce, or sleep around but you idiots keep spewing the same lies.

Back 50 years ago those were simply moral values that people tried to live up to because of the harm to society and our children when you did not. Those were NOT MORAL LAWS BEING FORCED ON YOU! They were values lifted up as good for our children. But of course most of you idiots could care less how many fatherless children we have.

No one was trying to kill witches or any other idiotiotic lies you spew. Gee lets go back to the civil war when Democrats wanted to keep slavery ok? We can all call Democrats racist under your lunacy.

TrumpsHair(310) Clarified
1 point

Do you think anyone is going to listen to you or respect what you say if you start off by insulting everyone?

1 point

AS ALWAYS you idiots try to say Christians were telling you how to live and making moral laws.


Oh, you said that the fools were telling you you that you were trying to tell them how to live, now you are saying it is them accusing you of forcing them. You were right earlier. People accused you of trying to get them to live the way you want. You are mistaken when you say they have accused you of trying to mandate moral laws. See the difference?

TrumpsHair(310) Clarified
1 point

Actually, I have "accused him" of trying to mandate certain moral laws, particularly regarding marriage.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Read the moronic statement from Avesatanas......

"All of this summed up: "remember 50 years ago when we could tell everyone what to do? God I miss that". People can do whatever the fuck they want. It's called FREEDOM jackass. You conservatives tote freedom as your central value yet at every turn you wanna control people's private lives. You wanna tell them they can't be together, you wanna tell them they can't have sex, you wanna tell them then can't get divorced, and you wanna force them to keep a child they don't want. You dont control them. Shut the fuck up and mind you own business you whiny little authoritarian cunt"

The entire hateful rant spewed lies of how Christians could tell everyone what to do.

PURE LIE!!! No one could tell others what to do 50 years ago. Our society actually actually LIFTED UP (not forced) moral values that spoke to the irresponsibiity of lifestyles that hurt family, hurt society, hurt our children etc.

NO ONE was telling anyone what they could do! But he shows what I have always said. Godless people are so insecure and hate it when Christians speak of moral values. It makes them feel guilty for walking out on their kids. Man does not want to hear anything about his selfish choices in life. He wants to be able to get many women pregnant, walk out on his children and never hear one word against it. That in a nutshell explains the bigoted hate from non christians against Christians and conservatives. It's called insecurities of who you are and what you do in life.

This fool says nothing against this new age amoral anything goes self righteous culture of bigots telling everyone the political correct way to live. Progressives are the ones forcing every single state to change their marriage laws to fit man's so called values no matter how the people in those states choose to handle their marriage laws. These arrogant Liberals will force their guns laws on everyone one step at a time.

The only difference from today and 50 years ago is the values lifted up and the fact that progressives DO force their beliefs on the people.

As I said in my argument, the moral values of man have completely changed because without God, there are no moral values to hold to other than PC politics and self love.

This is why I ban people when they constantly lie to make themselves right. They are a total waste of time to debate.

To anyone who is not banned, try posting on the orignator's argument if you actually want a response! If not you are a joke.

TrumpsHair(310) Disputed
1 point

See, this again.

Insulting people is not the way to get them to respond to you meaningfully or respectfully.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

LOL, the insults I get from my arguments by people like you are pathetic and you have the nerve to piously speak as if you don't do it? Gee why do i ban you?

If Heaven is full of self-righteous christians who don't respect other people then I'd rather be in Hell. The founding fathers were NOT Christians - they were agnostic Masons mostly.

1 point

Try to picture yourself getting what you really deserve. Is the picture clear?

1 point

Still copying debates? Can't you form one original thought? .

1 point

I will take that downvote as a no. .

1 point

He hasn't been online since he created the debate. Makes it very hard for him to be the one who downvoted you.

1 point

It's called freedom of religion genius. Also, why does man have to follow God? I see God as a barbaric thing that punishes whoever doesn't believe in him by sending them to eternal punishment in burning fire. If you look at Christian history, look at all the persecution they have issued against Jews and Muslims (who aren't much better). Why don't we follow the Jewish faith or the Buddhist faith (preaching kind acts). Hear this and hear it well, Christianity is a cruel faith and America should never ever follow Christianity.

0 points

you all a freaking stupid of course we need to get back to god and all of you guys who say no youre sinners and going to hell!~!!!

TrumpsHair(310) Disputed
1 point

What do you think that accomplished?