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Sacerdotus(11) pic

Does God exist?

Since man has walked the Earth belief in God has dominated his very existence.  However, there are some who do not believe there is a God.  They seek a more natural and tangible explanation for the causality of everything.  Does God exist?  

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4 points

Do gods exist? This seems like an unanswerable question if gods can exist and yet appear not to. How would we know they are not hiding?

A better question would be "Do gods appear to exist?". The answer to this question seems a definite "no". Gods have all the characteristics of things that do not exist. They are un-evidenced and there seems to be no good reason to suppose their existence. What's more it seems they have no effect upon the world which would render them impotent and their existence irrelevant.

Give that it appears exactly as if gods do not exist why would we pretend otherwise? Does this not seem like deluding oneself?

Sacerdotus(11) Disputed
0 points

That is an interesting argument; however, when one compares it with the personal testimonies of believers worldwide, it is hard to counter what they have experienced.

JoesWorld(2) Disputed
2 points

No it's incredibly easy. If gods were in fact man made we'd see many many different testimonies from different people about different gods all over the world. Which is exactly what we see.

Given what we know about people, how they find patterns were none exist and are superstitious and prone to wish-thinking it makes perfect sense to think that these experiences are entirely internal.

From an atheist point of view the world makes neat sense. From the theists not so much.

Wecome, Sacerdotus.

I can't prove God's existence, or disprove it. Having said that, it's perfectly acceptable to assume something is incorrect if it violates the laws of Physics, until it is proven so. Furthermore, it is the duty of those who proclaim it to be accurate to prove it. The onus is on them.

3 points

As likely as unicorns existing.

Sacerdotus(11) Disputed
0 points

Myths derive from some sort of truth. It is possible such a creature existed and the people at the time described it in the best way their language offered.

TheBogle88(115) Disputed
1 point

Not all myths are derived from truth. Even if that were the case, a particularly adept nomad could have performed some heroic or seemingly super-human feat and been bestowed the title of "god." Much more plausible than a non-corporeal deity that judges you and is prepared to punish you for eternity.

2 points


Sacerdotus(11) Disputed
1 point

On what evidence do you make this claim? How do you know this for a fact?

nummi(1424) Disputed
0 points

Simple logic and rationality.

2 points

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”

Sacerdotus(11) Disputed
1 point

I think it is safe to say that if a being is God, He/she/it is not subject to any demands the human race typical reserves to itself.

Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

How can we know that he even is? .

2 points

God does exist insofar as all concepts once conceived exist. If they did not exist then we would not know of them. However god as an entity of authority and control within the physical universe is as believable as Harry Potter being a real person.

TheBogle88(115) Clarified
1 point

God exists only in the minds of the faithful. Reality gives #deities no quarter.

2 points

This debate has been done over and over and OVER. Im tired of giving a big shpiel. Heres the condensed version:

We cant prove or disprove him as of right now. It cant be done. He is currently unobservable and untestable to we cannot reach a 100% true conclusion. Not even close.

The only thing we can do is pick a side as to what is more LIKELY to be true based on an educated guess using logic, reason, and evidence. It is more logical to side with the side that has the most evidence.

So far the side against his existence has more evidence. That is, there is far more evidence against him than for him. Therefore logically i side with atheism.

4 points

This debate has been done over and over and OVER.

One of the reasons I go simply with "no".

zico20(345) Disputed
1 point

Actually, there is far more evidence for Him than against Him. It isnt even close. Science shows the Universe could not have happened by random chance.

Elvira(3441) Disputed
2 points

A lot happens by random chance, you happened by random chance. Let's leave it at that.

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Big bang theory has a LOT of evidence. Where's yours? I have found not a tangible shred for his existence. Not physically, scientifically, or historically. Nada. I'd like go see you try to prove him. It's funny to watch

Sacerdotus(11) Disputed
1 point

It is possible to prove or disprove God. A bright mind that is capable of cross examining both the physical properties of this universe as well as any possible properties of a different dimension might be able to do this.

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Well yes you can by those means reveal that the conditions under which a god could exist are impossible and surely they are but that still doesnt 100% prove that one does NOT exist.

2 points

If I were to witness evidence of his existence, I would accept the idea that a deity exists.

Otherwise, I do not know, nor is finding out necessarily relevant to my existence.

Sacerdotus(11) Clarified
1 point

What evidence would convince you? Believers experience God daily in their lives.

chatturgha(1619) Clarified
1 point

Empirical, tangible evidence.

'Experiencing' a deity in your daily life is ambiguous and not really conducive to convincing me, because 'experience' is a matter of perspective.

I 'experience' the direction of the universe pushing me towards tomorrow and unto the bright future. Does this mean I have tangible evidence I can show people to make them believe me? No.

Scientific evidence transcends experience. It allows for experiences to be empirically proven, or for experiences to be interpreted differently. Without it, your experience is only perspective, and nothing else.

1 point


Sacerdotus(11) Clarified
1 point

How so? What do you propose would be a good argument to prove the existence of God?

shuaijan Disputed
1 point

See. I told you. This is why I don't like the platform. I just can butt-in... This is not a debate, this is a forum. lol

1 point

"Believers experience God daily in their lives." And, acid-heads have seen dragons; doesn't make them real.

Can't you people solve your problem in one debate and stop posting debates simply for points?

By the way, he does.

1 point

We can never prove something does not exist. The failure to prove god doesn't exist, is not proof that god does exist. That is why the burden of proof is on the believers.

If we believed god existed simply because we can't disprove his existence, then we should be justified in believing elves, hobbits, and orcs exist

1 point

The origins of faith have been pinpointed to a particular location in the brain. It is scientifically observed that some people are more predisposed to have faith than others. The prevailing theory is that faith/religion was evolutionarily advantageous both as a psychological coping mechanism and for social in-group cohesion. It is becoming increasingly obsolete however, as the cost of faith increasingly exceeds its benefits. And thus, we see the slow but gradual rise in agnosticism and atheism.

1 point

If there is no god then why each and every thing is relative to each other. Why each and every thing combine according to some definite formula.why not humans mate with dogs and cats and convert themselves into intelligent dogs and cats like Darwin's theory .why a specific specie never changes .because there is someone who has organized can humans never change their shape while living millions of years on this earth .now they also believe in gay relationships.

Your mom certainly thinks it exist.

To the believer, He does. It is in the mind of the believer.