
Debate Info

He has big ones I'm a clown
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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 He has big ones (1)
 I'm a clown (1)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Does God have big stones?

Okay. Let's just assume that God exists. If true, then He has extreme patience and a set of stones bigger than China. Why? With all of the rebukes and accusations against Him, he must be beyond the pale with confidence and patience... and mercy...

Mockers will come in the end-
2 Peter 3:3

Jesus Christ forgives the unbelievers and dies...
Luke 23:34

 God planned it this way, and it was no surprise to Him.
Romans 8:29

And God is actually amused by their ignorance.
Psalm 2:4

God calls them fools.
Psalm 14:1

God gives details.
Isaiah 29:14 and 1 Corinthians 1:19


He has big ones

Side Score: 2

I'm a clown

Side Score: 1
No arguments found. Add one!
1 point

He has big pale butt cheeks.

Side: I'm a clown
1 point

So you admit that you are a clown. At least you can admit it. Off ya go.

Side: He has big ones