
Debate Info

Yes No
Debate Score:66
Total Votes:71
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 Yes (6)
 No (11)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Does any other country have a name like this?

United States of [blank], something other than America.


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 57
2 points

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Central African Republic

Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Zaire)

Northern Mariana Islands?

United Arab Emirates

Also why is this in versus format? No is literally not an option.

Side: Yes
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense now does it?

Side: No
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense now does it?

Side: No
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense now does it?

Side: No
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense now does it?

Side: No
5 points

But that doesn't really make sense now does it?

Side: No
1 point

^ This son knows whats up.

Side: Yes

Not sure what you're doing here. I didn't mean for the words "United States" to be placeholders for any random words. I'm talking about where the exact words "United States" are in the name of the country.

Side: Yes
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

I feel you should have asked for that more specifically. I was confused and read it as if you were asking for the names of other countries, that made multiple words. I also don't know why this debate is in versus format. Either there are other countries, or there are not.

Side: Yes
1 point

United States of Columbia

Side: Yes
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