
Debate Info

Absolutely, veggies for all No, meat is safe
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Absolutely, veggies for all (1)
 No, meat is safe (4)

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beevbo(296) pic

Does eating meat increase the risk of cancer!

Absolutely, veggies for all

Side Score: 1

No, meat is safe

Side Score: 7

I have read where red meat does increase one's risk for cancer.

Side: Absolutely, veggies for all
Joel_Mathews(2284) Clarified
1 point

Actually, that is not really true.. Red meats help ladies when they are having their period as they lose a lot of blood and iron---> it comes from red meat

Side: Absolutely, veggies for all
3 points

OK, let me first start off by saying that I have a BS and PhD in Nutritional Sciences and that I am currently researching the effects that meat has on prostate cancer at Johns Hopkins.

I am sorry that I cannot read the article which you referenced in the debate, as it seems to not be working at this time.

Yes, meat can cause cancer when it is over cooked and consumed in large quantities.

No, if you eat meat a few times a week and don't over cook it, you will not get cancer. It also depends on the type of cancer. For example, meat is thought to increase the risk of colon, breast and prostate cancers, but not skin cancer.

Here is a great article from the The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) which has funded some of my research and is the best source for diet and cancer information in the whole world!

Supporting Evidence: Cancer Experts Issue Seasonal Warning on Grilling -- (
Side: No, meat is safe
2 points

Sorry about the article, cut and past mishap. Here's the link again:

Side: No, meat is safe

Meats are safe... 100%... why wouldn't they be? Meat is SO GOOD

Side: No, meat is safe
0 points

As a producer, I can say meat is safe. We don't skimp on anything, they have great conditions, but meat is meat, and there is nothing to cause cancer in the meat. Charcoal rarely does, but the chances of it developing is nil.

Side: No, meat is safe