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vikaskwoe(52) pic

Duratia 60 mg - Treat Diabetes & ED Treatment

What is Duratia 60mg?

The oral drug Duratia 60 mg is used to treat early ejaculation. Dapoxetine, an SSRI, is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. By increasing serotonin activity in the brain, it helps to prolong the ejaculation period to make sexual activity more enjoyable and fulfilling.

This drug can be used with or without food. Normally, this tablet should be taken one to three hours before engaging in sexual activity. Only one drug should be taken per 24 hours.

Dapoxetine, which is found in Duratia in a 60 mg dosage, is the drug's active ingredient. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug class includes Duratia 60 mg, which has been effective in treating thousands of male patients with premature ejaculation issues.

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