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I agree I disagree.
Debate Score:38
Total Votes:42
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 I agree (10)
 I disagree. (19)

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logictree(7) pic

Eligibility to vote should be based on one's ability to reason critically.

Society has often suffered at the hands of evil/stupid  leaders of our choosing.

Perhaps it is time we restrict this right,  so that only to those with sufficient reasoning skills can vote.

For the sake of this hypothetical, let us assume that critical thinking entails the ability to decide a course of action that maximises the satisfaction of a reasonably large group of people.
This of course doesn't mean that those selected are obligated to choose such a course of action.

I agree

Side Score: 10

I disagree.

Side Score: 28

IQ should determine who runs the country. Since the majority of the population are pretty dumb - democracy is rule of the idiots.

Side: I agree
1 point

I agree completely. The people's voice is worth listening to only to identify problems, not deciding how to fix them. The most recent case that supports this would be the push for a $15/hour minimum wage. $15/hour is well above the current equilibrium level for the lowest skilled labor, not to mention that not a single OECD country has a $15/hour minimum wage when you adjust for Purchasing Power Parity.

Side: I agree
0 points

I fully agree but this does not play to the voter base that support Leftist. Leftist politicians depend on their voter base to be very low information !

Side: I agree
2 points

Really? I thought the Right always claimed that Liberals are elitists and that college is a breeding ground for Liberal and Socialist indoctrination.

Side: I disagree.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

No have that wrong Leftist believe that all others that don't accept their views are Elitist !

You must have missed that LMMFAO !

Side: I agree
4 points

Who would decide who can "reason critically"? This has way too much potential to be abused.

Side: I disagree.
2 points

I came here to say this. You hit the nail on the head. Good job.

Side: I disagree.
logictree(7) Disputed
1 point

You are simply attacking the nature of the test rather than the decision itself.

If I told you that we could objectively measure one's critical reasoning ability, what would your answer be then?

Side: I agree

That requires that the sanctification of the group in question is also based on critical reasoning, and that the satisfaction is the most important outcome.

What if the group in question does not determine their satisfaction critically? What if that satisfaction is based on things that aren't ultimately good for society?

Side: I disagree.

No, an electorate consisting of only a few hundred eligible voters would be an inadequate representation of the people of America.

Side: I disagree.
1 point

You make the best point here.

Side: I disagree.
1 point

One can be brilliant at reasoning and shit at morality.

Side: I disagree.

There will be never such a thing that voting is based on the skills or the level of reasoning you have.. Let's be reasonable here

Side: I disagree.
1 point

Really if you think of it in the U.S most people will vote for their party. They don't really think of the person they are fully voting for. Then there is also that people don't really vote for themselves, since there are so many people out there in a country we have representatives which is also on the case of their own political party. For example Kentucky is an republican state, there is more republicans than democrat so therefore Kentucky will most likely go for the republican candidate. There is really no such think as people fully voting half of people don't even know who their own representative is, they just look at their political party. So on this account even if you did that it would not make much of a difference.

Side: I disagree.
1 point


Many people who are able to reason critically watch FOX News, which eventually takes away the ability to reason critically. I'd rather have people who can at least say: "That's what I believe we need to do." Rather than say: "I saw this on FOX, so it must have been critically reasoned!"

Side: I disagree.
1 point

Given the definition of critical thinking specified in this debate I must disagree. Tying your opinion or vote to what you think would make a reasonably large group of people satisfied is not objective thought, you've shoehorned yourself into certain opinions from the very beginning and eliminated other possible opinions even if one of those opinions is the one you think is best.

Side: I disagree.