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Debate Score:3
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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Ellie Goulding

Is she not awesome? I am in love with her song 'Anything could happen'

Ellie Goulding in a  flowing white dress in the music video for

I listened to it probably 1000 times today in a row.

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1 point

She looks albino.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
2 points

Her name is Goulding not Gouldin. You should change it.

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

i'm glad to see something constructive from you. I will change it, and i was wondering why it would not go in right.

My favorite part of the song is when she says "I know it's gonna be" several times, but more than hearing or singing along to it, I love waiting for it to get there. Like that part of the song is the major climax and when I'm trying to do something whilst listening to this song that part is where I succeed.

I have rarely been moved by a song to such extents.

1 point

She is not bad. It's better than Nikki Manaj garbage .

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Mind if I ask why Nicki Minaj is garbage?

kozlov(1754) Clarified
1 point

My Canadian friend can put it in better words than I :)
