
Debate Info

Both sides of his mouth Consistency not strong point
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Both sides of his mouth (5)
 Consistency not strong point (4)

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Rustikus(174) pic

Excon says vandalism and death threats are free speech because of Constitution

Yeah.. Civil disobedience isn't NICE.. It's not supposed to BE nice.. If it were NICE it wouldn't DO shit. But, because it's NOT nice, it DOES shit.. That's WHY the founders of this great land of ours PROTECTED the right of the people to assemble..  I thought right wingers LOVED the Constitution.. No, huh?  excon

In the country I live in, even Soros funded commies are allowed to demonstrate..  I thought right wingers LOVED the Constitution.. No, huh?  excon

They should stay on public property, but I'm FINE with them keeping him up all night.. He's a public figure.. The public wants to send him a message.. That's the way it goes.

"Left wing extremists attack Tucker Carlson's home, spraypaint message on his car, knock down the door and trap his wife alone inside"


Both sides of his mouth

Side Score: 6

Consistency not strong point

Side Score: 4
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1 point

They should stay on public property,

Hello R:

What's CRAZY about this site is that MOST of the debates are about the words someone WROTE.. I don't participate in those debates because they're STUPID.. What someone WROTE, is what they fucking WROTE.. If you understand the words, you understand what they wrote..

I write the Kings English.. What I SUPPORT is clear, and what I DON'T support is equally clear..

Come back when your tongue is no longer forked.


Side: Consistency not strong point
Manwe(86) Disputed
1 point

I write the Kings English.. What I SUPPORT is clear, and what I DON'T support is equally clear..

You are the least clear person on the site. You say constitutional constantly but never can tell us what's in the Constitution.

Outlaw is a Right winger. Bronto is a Conservative. Nom is a Marxist. Mingiwuwu is a Marxist. AlofRI is a Democrat. No one knows what you are.

Side: Both sides of his mouth
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

No one knows what you are

Hello Man:

What I AM isn't important.. What I THINK is important and I haven't shied away from sharing my thoughts about anything..


Side: Consistency not strong point
Manwe(86) Disputed
1 point

What's CRAZY about this site is that MOST of the debates are about the words someone WROTE.. I don't participate in those debates because they're STUPID

It looks like the words are yours. You claimed the Constitution to defend vandalism, harrassment and threat of assault when none of that is protected by the Constitution anywhere. And as I remember, you've gotten mad about 1/50th being done to a Liberal.

Side: Both sides of his mouth
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

You claimed the Constitution to defend vandalism, harrassment and threat of assault

Hello again, Man:

What's NUTS in my debate about what's NUTS, is you exhibit your NUTTINESS..

Those words are NOT mine. I'm done here.


Side: Consistency not strong point
1 point

That's why I left this site, EXCON, too many forked tongues!

Hi, good buddy! I'm still here (at 87), still smarter than many Repubs! GO JOE!

Side: Consistency not strong point