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Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Favorite comedian (12)

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oh-no(119) pic

Favorite comedian

Who is your Favorite Comedian

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2 points

Joe Biden! That mofo cracks me up!! He's a big fucking deal you know! ;)

2 points

John Stewart makes me laugh all the time. Katt Williams, Aries Spears, Kevin Hart. Lol. Or any politician. They are funny too.

1 point

Mine is Steven Colbert but Jon Stewart is hilarious two.

Colbert is very funny. I almost for got about him. Oh and Daniel Tosh.

One of my favorites.

Haha. I have seen this one before. It is hilarious .

Cousin Al

I'm going to stop after this one, I just love comedians, ya know.

I forgot THEIR names.
1 point

No, big deal but I'm on my tablet I can't see them

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

They were randy spears doing impersonations of Jay Z, Snoop Dogg, DMX, and LL Cool J (Famous rappers)

The next one was the cousin al "Suckin' dick for money" joke. I suggest googling that one it's hilarious.

The final one was an Epic Rap battle of history with two comedians whose names i forgot, but they have a stand up show where they do skits, and tell jokes to and off of one another.

Bill Cosby!

My favorite comedian still remains to be Lucille Ball. I still watch I LOVE LUCY and laugh at Lucy's crazy antics.