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 Funniest fetish? (17)

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Funniest fetish?

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josephilia - getting sexually aroused by reading yet another one of joe_cavalry's debates and/or arguments. ;)

Side: josephilia
1 point

Yeah, that is hilarious. Truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction... too bad this case is 100% fiction.

Side: josephilia

You're still pissed off at me aren't you? Man, some women can really hold a grudge ;)

Side: josephilia
1 point

I tell myself to brace myself and have to remember to breath in , breath out.

Side: josephilia
2 points

The most disgusting has got to be zoophilia. Having sex with animals (see the Animal Pornography debate).

Erotophonophilia - Arousal by murder.

Autoerotic Asphyxiation. Davd Carradine died with a noose around his neck and connected to his penis.

Side: josephilia
1 point


......................................... Shivers the Polar Bear can go fuck his damn self.

Side: josephilia
2 points

Are you meaning the furries.

The ones that screw their teddies and stuffed animals?

If so , I spose at least their not screwing real animals.....i guess.

Side: josephilia
1 point

Arguably the same, or essentially the same. Both are funny.

Side: josephilia

I remember an episode of CSI where people would get together and have a mass orgy all in their costumes.

Side: josephilia


Arousal by being crawled on by an insect.


Side: josephilia
1 point

ooh the thought of it is immedietly gross.

But then i think about that tickle sensation on my neck and thighs ,

do it now !

minus the bugs of course (freaky fetish btw)

Gently pitter patter your fingertips down along your neck ...

then work your way down around and accross the collarbone...


across ....


Side: josephilia
1 point

Mechrophiliac: One who has a sexual attraction to vehicles to the extent of sexual "intercourse".

Side: josephilia
1 point

Apotemnophelia -the desire to become an amputee.


Mucophilia-getting aroused by mucas

gross gross gross

Telephonicophilia-sexual arousal through making obscene phonecalls.


The best way to deal with these types is to start getting into it with them;

as they are expecting you to freak out.

They hang up very quickly.

Crush fetish - getting off on crushing things.

sometimes live critters etc , which is cruel.

Autaganistophilia - arousal from being seen performing sexual acts .

Somnophilia - sexual arousal via watching sleeping persons or awakening them with erotic touching. nice;).

Theres is so many more still to list.

Side: josephilia
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

I don't think any of those things are funny. Not at all....

Side: josephilia
1 point

Me niether , but i dont find some degrees that the furries go to funny either.

Its quite twisted actually.

What about ;

Tamakeri - the sexual arousal of a man by being kicked in groin by woman.

Side: josephilia
1 point

The funniest of all would have to be ;

A fetish for weird fetishes?

Now all we need is a name for it .

Side: josephilia