
Debate Info

Google Android OS Apple iOS
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Google Android OS (4)
 Apple iOS (3)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Google Android OS or Apple iOS

Google Android OS

Side Score: 4

Apple iOS

Side Score: 3

Apple controls its products 100%. They decide how much they will sell for, what software you can and cannot run on the device, what hardware you can and cannot replace, etc.

When I buy something I like to be able to decide what I am going to do with my new purchase. Especially if I pay top dollar for it. But in a world were people are happy to license products, I'm odd man out ;)

Side: Google Android OS

Allowing the customer to decide what s/he can do with their purchase does make more sense. I am for anything that allows for more choice.

Besides, the Google Android is much more superiority than that of the Apple iOS.

Side: Google Android OS
1 point

I love the android operating systems and how quickly it is evolving. I have had three android phones and my wife and daughter haven android phones. If Apple sold unlocked iPhones, they would likely have iPhones as we are on T-mobile and can't purchase them yet. Either way i would stick with android as I love the flexibility and feature set.

Side: Google Android OS

Androids are much more customizable to your personal needs and wants while Apple products tell you what you can and can't do.

Side: Google Android OS
1 point

While I am not an apple fanboy, I can say that iOS is very stable compared to android. For most, that is a good thing. For me, I want the flexibility android provides and can live with the instability.

Side: Apple iOS

It is now 2015 and I prefer Apple IOS 8 because it is fast and intuitive. For the iMac, the Yosemite system is great.

Side: Apple iOS

Then why are there more Android devices out there? ;)

Side: Apple iOS