
Debate Info

Yes, hang them all! No, submit to their rule!
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes, hang them all! (3)

Debate Creator

EliotTerabon(175) pic

Guilty VS innocent

If it comes out that obama is  ineligible to serve as potus, should he and his co-conspirators be tried for treason?

His blind supporters as well?

Yes, hang them all!

Side Score: 3

No, submit to their rule!

Side Score: 0
1 point

Interesting.... I missed this debate somehow? I really never was a "birther"... I can't stand our POS POTUS but I never really questioned his being born in Hawaii and since you posted this he has provided his alleged long version birth certificate...

Having said that... Yes, if Barry or any POTUS got into their position knowing that they weren't eligible, then they should be tried and if found guilty given the death penalty as well as any co-conspirators. That would qualify as treason to me... as long as they were a US citizen.

Side: Yes, hang them all!
1 point

I'll have to cut the blind supporters some slack as they're simply ignorant (although it would be nice to get rid of some of the ignorance in the world).

Side: Yes, hang them all!

It is interesting to note that his birth certificate ( that he spent millions to NOT release) bears little resemblance to an ACTUAL long form certificate from that era.

There are also descrepencies within the wording itself, such listing his father as African( during that time it would have been Black or negro) among others.

You'd think the cheap son of a bitch would have spent a few more bucks and gotten a better forgery done LOL

Side: Yes, hang them all!
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