
Debate Info

Facts RIP
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Facts (1)
 RIP (4)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Guys, Screech From Saved By The Bell Died

One of my favourite shows as a kid. 


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 6
1 point

Giving you the right to own a gun costs zero money

The government didn't give me that Right. The government merely codified that they would not take that Right.

Side: Facts
2 points

The government didn't give me that Right.

So who did, tough guy?

The government merely codified that they would not take that Right.

You are now capitalising the word "Right" as if you are discussing some kind of ancient, unbreakable law, and yet ten minutes ago in a different topic you claimed rights were mere subjective constructs. You genuinely must have a mental health condition Amarel, because how you cannot notice the frequency and depth of your own contradictions is beyond my ability to even fathom.

Side: RIP
2 points

Yeah I heard that. It's sad he passed, he had been diagnosed only three weeks earlier with cancer.

Side: RIP

Yeah I heard that. It's sad he passed, he had been diagnosed only three weeks earlier with cancer.

Poor guy. He was a legend of my youth. I was surprised to realise he's only a few years older too. He should have been in the prime of his life.

Side: RIP
1 point

Guys, Screech From Saved By The Bell Died

One of my favorite right winger Jews.

Side: RIP