
Debate Info

Who needs science? I don't care, I hate God
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:38
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 Who needs science? (10)
 I don't care, I hate God (17)

Debate Creator

Saintnow(3684) pic

Hard Science proves God is there.

Who needs science?

Side Score: 19

I don't care, I hate God

Side Score: 18
J-Roc77(70) Banned
5 points

The video posted by saintnow contains no hard science that comes to the conclusion there is a god. Anyone who frequents this site is well aware that saintnow doesn't understand what constitutes good science.

Side: Who needs science?
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

So Mr. Science, Since you seem to have made a baseless accusation, you can now proceed to explain which parts of the video are not scientific, and show where the scientific studies and data cited in the video are not observable, science open to peer review and repeatable for observation by peers in experiment. If you cannot substantiate your insinuation, the only thing you have proved is that you are a jerk, and in my book you will be branded as a brainless disrupter not worthy of being unbanned for my discussions.

Side: I don't care, I hate God
J-Roc77(70) Disputed Banned
2 points

The argument they put forth isn't hard science but philosphy. The author says that if we can find that the four attributions for a god can be found that proves god exists.

The author then goes on to butcher definitions for things like Heisenburg's uncertainty principle by adding their own opinions rather than being true to the actual claim.

This is just 40ish seconds in to the video. The video does not represent science faithfully even from the get go. The video is just a persons opinion using bad represntations of science.

If one cannot represent theose they oppose faithfully they are not only doing a disservice to those they misrepresnt but to themselves as well. For they have not given ideas a fair chance in their own minds but instead shut them out or pervert them so they may hold their own ideas unassailed by the reality of the arguments they misrepresent.

If one wants to learn about christianity they should see a christian source, if one wants to learn about science they should use a source from the sciences. What saintnow has done here is learn about science from a christian source instead.


saintnow, I know you will never change your mind. When shown where you error on things like evolution you just froth at the mouth and shout down/ban those who correct you. You have shown yourself to be not objective in these dealings to the nth degree. You are full of ad hominem attacks instead of logical arguments.

You can ban me if you want, it is a hollow move though since I really don't expect to be heard by you. I think I will start participating in debates like this one. You still froth at the mouth instead of argue a point or even against a point here. But in these debates opposing views to yours can get a fair shake instead of the totalitarian debates you promote.

Your god is a crutch..and it appears you need a crutch. I am not trying to make you let go of your crutch but to allow others to see the actual claims that oppose you instead of your strawmanned versions that fail under scrutiny.

Last word is yours, prolly accusations on how I hate a god I don't believe exists or something. Also you will focus on my lack of capitalization of the words 'god' or christianity rather than focus on my argument. This is appealing to fallacies of irrelevance, but thats how people like saintnow keeps their views. Maybe he will just goto other threads and spam them like a crazy person like he does in the link above.

So one dimensional of him.

Side: Who needs science?
Firnen Clarified Banned
1 point

The power of Christ compels you!

The power of Christ compels you!

Begone Demon!

Side: Who needs science?
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point



Side: I don't care, I hate God
Firnen Clarified Banned
1 point

The power of Christ compels you!

The power of Christ compels you!

Begone Demon!

Side: Who needs science?
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You start off with nothing but a blanket insult against me personally, this first post of yours is fighting words, if you stood in front of me long enough talking this way I would talk back, push your buttons until you became enraged enough to attack me and they I would be excused for knocking your teeth out.

Side: I don't care, I hate God
2 points

Meanwhile, flaccid science considers Viagra.

Side: Who needs science?
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Why don't you go expose yourself on you tube or sell your body somewhere else, pervert?

Side: I don't care, I hate God
Firnen Clarified Banned
2 points

The power of Christ compels you!

The power of Christ compels you!

Begone Demon!

Side: Who needs science?
2 points

So now when you find some little science tidbit you embrace the sciences. Butf when virtually all professional Biologists, geologists, and anthropologists, microbiologists, geneticist say Evolution is true, you squawk that the Bible says man's knowledge will be shown to be folly. And that all those scientists are wrong.

Hypocrite much?

Cherry pick much?

Confirmation bias much?

For the record I have always known God drives science, just as I say he drives evolution. Theistic Evolution. Rather than random genetic mutations. And why I know the young earhters are crazy. And science is only the means by which we can Analuze Gods handiwork.

But I don't flip flop on it like you do. Just as I know that Satan and God are actually physical science based forces, two polar opposites, like positive and negative electricity.

God bless.

Side: Who needs science?
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Your an idiot. Believe in evolution requires that you ignore science and put your beliefs first. You are on my auto-ban list for doing nothing but disrupting and harassing me.

Side: I don't care, I hate God
Firnen Clarified Banned
1 point

The power of Christ compels you!

The power of Christ compels you!

Begone Demon!

Side: Who needs science?
1 point

Hard Science proves God is there.

Side: Who needs science?
Firnen Clarified Banned
1 point

The power of Christ compels you!

The power of Christ compels you!

Begone Demon!

Side: Who needs science?
Cuaroc(8829) Banned
1 point (how to make a christian's head explode)

Side: Who needs science?
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

why don't you make your own debate or discussion using that stupid link as your OP? What is it with you that all you can do is act like crazy monkey trying to ride other peoples back so you can show your tail in public?

Side: I don't care, I hate God
Firnen Clarified Banned
1 point

The power of Christ compels you!

The power of Christ compels you!

Begone Demon!

Side: Who needs science?
1 point
Side: I don't care, I hate God
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
2 points

looks like he conceded that he has no argument against your logic there. Atheists and evolutionists hate simplification of logic.

Side: Who needs science?
Firnen Clarified Banned
2 points

The power of Christ compels you!

The power of Christ compels you!

Begone Demon!

Side: Who needs science?
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

He's too busy spitting hatred at might take him a few days to calm down. I really don't want to read any of his stuff, I tried more than enough to tell him God loves him and he can be saved from Hell.......he just gets angrier and angrier, put the final nail in my coffin he said, said he was done with me, but I guess he feels he needs to pound my coffin to a pulp with the hammer.

For you I will check out the link...

Side: Who needs science?
Atrag(5666) Disputed Banned
3 points

You put the nail in your own coffin by comparing your suffering here to that of thr Messiah. Its absolutely staggering that you think you are a Christian.

Side: Who needs science?
1 point

INDEED .... each time the Gospel is rejected ... the heart grows hard / anger and hostility soon to follow

Side: I don't care, I hate God
1 point

looks like he conceded that he has no argument against your logic there. Atheists and evolutionists hate simplification of makes their heads explode....check out these videos...... (how to make an atheist's head explode)

Side: I don't care, I hate God
1 point

................................................... GOTTM LOGGED ... will watch indeed ... have a great weekend :)

Side: I don't care, I hate God
Firnen Clarified Banned
1 point

The power of Christ compels you!

The power of Christ compels you!

Begone Demon!

Side: Who needs science?
1 point

In my short time here I have found Artgrag to be faux intellectual, a poser who is wrong about many things. He even thought I was some old atheist hater guy who created this account as a, I don't know, sock puppet.

So I wouldn't worry too much about trying to please him as he is obviously subject to bias and delusion. As we all are, I guess. Just some more than others maybe?

God Bless.

Side: I don't care, I hate God
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

If you want to comment in my debates, focus on the OP and discussing it's points before you state your stupid contrary opinion or your stupid opinion and comments about things not related to the OP. If you want to prioritize your opinion, create your own debates, it's simple to do. Whenever I make a debate, the desire is to discuss the OP. All you do is disrupt, try to bury the OP and replace it with your own stupid comments. I don't create debates to hear your stupid opinion when you act like you are not listening to mine in the OP. The singers you insulted are servants of God with a message, you did not listen, so you had no business commenting you punky little demon driven psycho

Side: Who needs science?