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Debate Score:12
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EnigmaticMan(1840) pic

Has anyone else had strange advances made towards them on this site?

I once received a message from somebody called "joylove", asking me to pursue them with romantic intent. It was clearly some kind of scam, but I have seen similar things on other profiles' messages. Has it happened to you and what is to be done?

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Yes a couple times. Luckily there is a delete button and a report button that you can use. Problem solved.

2 points

All the time....

OMG! I thought LoveJoy was genuinely in love with me! Now I find out she's 2 timing me? That biatch ;)

1 point

Delete, report, and I always post a nice note to them reading something along the lines of this ...

Dear ( insert robotic scam name ),




1 point

Never to me personally, though I have seen evidence of this occurring several times. I'll save my darker side for them... personally.

1 point

I think Avedke is hoping I say I'm gay one day so that he can finally go ahead with his fantasy and get some desi meat on the internet...

1 point

I thought all meat came from the country?


1 point

I have yet to experience a "strange advance" can someone explain it to me?