
Debate Info

It'll have to do Go back to retirement
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 It'll have to do (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Have I caused enough mischief for one night?

It'll have to do

Side Score: 4

Go back to retirement

Side Score: 0

It's 1:30 AM and I thought about this and I figured I'd put it out there to see what people think about the ramblings of the subconscious of an insomniac ;)

Side: It'll have to do

You could never cause enough mischief. I miss your debates and your political humor making fun of liberals.

Side: It'll have to do

Liberals are in denial, just like Pelosi ;)

Side: It'll have to do
1 point

nope!!!!!!!!!!!!! u still have a lot of work to do. no retirement or firing!!!!!!!!! u got to get back to work...

Side: It'll have to do
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