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 Humans are becoming lazy. (4)

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Humans are becoming lazy.

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1 point

Humans have always been lazy! computers have made it possible to sit around and get some work done when we are not on create debate.

the link is not working!

I know its not hyperlinked. Just copy and paste the freakin' thing. Oh and the article was too long so i just read some of the first potatoe info, and quickly browsed through the whole thing. But yeah people are lazy...-_-...........................

Side: We are lazyasses

Too long? You sound like me.

Side: We are lazyasses
1 point

Modern life has helped us to be lazy, cars, computers, email etc. but mums theese days have a hard life having to work and look after the house and kids. but wouldent you think women would get bored of peeling potatoes like 150 times a year or something, its just not that anymore these days, with the world becoming easy everyday its gonna get a lot easyer.

Side: We are lazyasses