
Debate Info

Logical Ludicrous
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:10
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 Logical (5)
 Ludicrous (1)

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ryuukyuzo(641) pic

IQ Tests ~ Logical or Ludicrous?

Is there any merit to these tests or are they just bunk?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 1

The merit of an IQ test is based on how well you do. If you ask someone who took the test and did great, they will tell you that IQ tests are logical. If they do poorly, they will tell you that IQ tests are bunk ;)

Side: Logical
2 points

They are logical, but that doesn't make them 100% correct all of the time.

Side: Logical
1 point

I personally think they are logical in a sense, just be careful on where your getting them from, like off the internet or something.

Also check the questions. If their like: How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood,

then odds are its not gonna be accurate...

Side: Logical
1 point

IQ tests is great for measure cognitive skills but not so good in measuring other human skills. It's a good attempt however at trying to determine the intelligence of a human being, but I think intelligence has many categories.

Side: Logical

IQ tests are a logical means to measure intelligence of the students.

Side: Logical
1 point

They are essentially a small quiz game, and the results should not be taken seriously. The great physicist Richard Feynman only scored a 125. Yet he proved himself to be one of the greatest minds humanity has ever seen.

Side: Ludicrous