
Debate Info

Debate Score:53
Total Votes:54
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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

I logged in to CreateDebate

First I typed my password wrong, but then it worked. The link is in my first comment.

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3 points

Okay? That is good for you dude. Personally I don't see how this debate can actually spark a good conversation though.

It's better than the royal baby.

2 points

Hahahaha! Yes! Yes!

1 point

I am tired of hearing about the baby dude. I don't think its that big of a deal.

sauh(1106) Disputed
1 point

That is because you are unimaginative and pessimistic.

To make my point I will paint a "word picture" of the situation.

You would call a glass half-empty.

Azra(543) Disputed
2 points

A glass can never be half empty. It must be half full. I have a large imagination and I am pretty neutral. I wouldn't just go around and start assuming things dude. You know nothing about me. Just don't speak to me you lost all my respect.

Way to make lemons into lemonade, sauh!

1 point

Uhhhh.... and?

And...the rest was uneventful. I'll keep you posted. BTW, does this debate remind you of anyone?

1 point

No. Should it?

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

You need to stop making fun of me. I have done nothing wrong.

What. ?

123456789 and what........................................................

1 point

cheers to you! :D

1 point

so did i! :D