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 I'm leaving Dana world. Bye bye. (34)

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Atrag(5666) pic

I'm leaving Dana world. Bye bye.

I've had enough of being on a debate site in which "I disagree because x is a right" and "I'm a y so I agree because y's agree with this" is the most common argument. She makes me so incredibly angry that I think it is better I leave for my sanity. I asked for her to be rebanned (she has been many times before). That didn't work. I tried making myself feel better by arguing against her to show how idiotic her points are but she can't hold more than one point in her mind so convincing her that she is wrong is impossible. So I am left with only this option. It was her or me.

Anyway I'll mention a few people as is customary..

HellNo and JoeCavalry - the backbone of the site. I never particularly liked you (you are a bit too USAian), but I recognise your perservance with this site.

Thousand1 - seemingly way to sane to be on this site and puts an great amount of thought into his posts. One of the few that does that. I should have made  more effort to debate with you.

Stryker and Qucalimar - also very intelligent debaters that are no longer active. 

Srom - unintentionally the funniest guy on this site.

And I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting.

So long and thanks for all the fish. :)



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4 points

What about me? Don't I deserve some praise, after all I am only the best guy on here ;P you will rue the day you didn't acknowledge my superiority!!!

In all seriousness, if dana really bothers you that much, perhaps you are better off going, I do however think it seems unreasonable to allow someone to drive you away from here, when you can simply ignore them

Just ignore her.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

I can't help it though. I just read one of her latest comments:

"I'm going to save down voting only for emergency situations" and it took all my need to get away haha. strength not to reply telling her who completely fucking stupid that sentence is but she wouldn't understand any explanation as to why its stupid and my head would feel like it were exploding... I guess I have a problem!

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
2 points

I really hope you don't read youtube comments.

2 points

I wish I had read this five days ago, but it looks like you're still around so maybe this will persuade you.

I know exactly how you feel, and I have to say, that the ability to just say 'fuck it, it doesn't matter' isn't for everyone.

It's just as zephyr had said, if you feel so strongly about it, no one can or really should stop you, but if you can muster up the fuckitall to just say 'this isn't even important, and it's pointless' then do stay.

As for that comment specifically, I had that same moment of "wtf is this person saying" but my reason for not typing anything, was that the amount of work I'd have had to put in to type a comment, wouldn't have been matched by the pay off I would have received for typing it.

2 points

I'm not understanding why you are letting virtual texts to sway your emotions. I have yet to see this user, but if the person debates poorly then merely dispute them and leave it at that. You are not obligated to respond to everything a person says, especially across the internet.

EDIT: After reading a few more debates I have learned that "Dana" is SitaraMusica. I do understand your struggle, but you still shouldn't allow virtual texts to sway your emotions.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
4 points

Yeah I don't get why she makes me so angry either and why I feel so compulsed to answer he stupid comments.

1 point

That is definitely a sign that you need to get out.

Paradox44(736) Clarified
1 point

I've had my share of this situation. It's pretty frustrating. Now I just never respond to people I deem as "not worthy".

DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

I used to until I came to the realization you can't win them all, and you can't convince them all. After I feel my points are being ignored, I address that issue, state my points one final time, then I cease interaction. What makes it easiest for me is the fact that these internet points, and these interactions ultimately mean nothing. If stopped coming today, or in the middle of typing this very comment no one would care. There may be the slightest though "huh what happened to that guy" but then it'd be business as usual.

Hey, what's going on? I heard I was being featured on this debate ;)

2 points

I'm not sure if he doesn't like me or you or if he thinks we're the same person?

I don't know either but I do have to ask, as I always do, what did I do?!?!?! ;)

2 points

Despite your irrational superiority complex against Americans, I'd much rather see Dana go than you.

You at least have SOME semblance of intelligence.

1 point

Bye Sitatraga. :)

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Bye transient personality guy.

ProLogos(2794) Clarified
1 point

What is "transient personality"? Idk if that's meant to be an insult or not...

1 point

You don't seem to be able to ignore her, so why indeed spent time here, when engaging with her makes you so angry?

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Yes that was what I said.

1 point

Good bye. I had a feeling that your Sitara arguments would drive you crazy.

1 point

Yep, it really has. I forgot to mention you in my list. Despite being USAian you've been pretty cool.

1 point

And I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting.

Hehe, you did mention me.

1 point

Bummer man. You had plenty of good reasoning in many of your stances.

Sometimes you have to realize that your opponent will never budge but the conversation are for those on the fence anyways.

Hopefully you will return one day.

Side note, your avatar is artwork from Paul Kidby, is the character from Discworld? Been googling around and can't seem to find his name. Not knowing won't keep me up at night or anything but it just irks me a bit.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

It is Lord Denning. A English judge that had a reputation for being a maverick: creating case law that contradicted rulings of higher courts etc.

J-Roc77(70) Clarified
1 point

Thanks. That explains why I couldn't place the character in Pratchet's work. It appears I am wrong about the artist, it was the art that led me to believe where the character was from. The face reminds me much of Kidby's work.

1 point

No hard feelings.... I never really liked you either.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

I guess we don't have much in common.

2 points

Well, we'll always have our dislike of each other..... that's something.

Wow, couldnt even spare a few words for your ole pal Ave. And to think i carried your drunk ass home, twice. I guess it isnt Gamma Kappa Pi brothers for life. I guess that threesome meant nothing.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Haha well you are an interesting guy but I remember you most for getting overly angry and irrational when we debated :P

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
8 points


I appreciate the unexpected praise, but I can't help feeling that it's somewhat unwarranted and possibly influenced by comraderie sparked by being on the same side in that debacle, heh. There are plenty of users capable of posting an argument as well-reasoned as any of mine, in half the words.

1 point

Silly to leave in my opinion.

Work around boulders, don't clash with them.

1 point

Too bad, but I get it. Though, have you considered trying your hand at trolling idiots? Constitutes a reply without the emotional investment. ;)

[...] so sad that it should come to this.

1 point

That's a real bummer. Honestly, Dana's prescence is a mixed bag for me. Sure, there are times when she can be absolutely infuriating, but the dumb shit that she says is without a doubt the most comical thing on this website. Just to wrap things up:

1) I would have allied you, but I was afraid of being accused by Dana as being in cahoots with you, she has already on several occasions tried to get me casted out of this site, and has even gotten some of my arguments deleted by Andy (Andy's acquiescence to her demands and his refusal to give Dana the boot has made me consider leaving, in fact I still am contemplating it).

2) I took a screenshot that debate that you had with Dana where she stated that "it makes no sense to drag naked people out in public". That was one of the most hilarious things that I've read from her. You just might remember what I'm talking about but idk.

3) I often was the source of multiple upvotes to counter Dana's brigading of your arguments. Of course, I can't say that it was always me, but almost a daily thing for you or anyone else who was attacked.

I don't want you to leave, but if you're not enjoying yourself, you should really go elsewhere. With others, we recently made Dana leave for almost 2 weeks by her own volition. I'm goimg to have to turn up the heat in your absence.

Goodbye Atrag!