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Hebrews and Israelites There are NO Jews
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:52
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 Hebrews and Israelites (12)
 There are NO Jews (15)

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excon(18261) pic

If Ashkenazi Jews aren't Jewish, who is?

Hebrews and Israelites

Side Score: 15

There are NO Jews

Side Score: 22
1 point

Judaism is a religion and its followers are called Jews, you completely unreasonable twit.

Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of European women. See:-

New evidence from mitochondrial DNA, which is passed on exclusively from mother to child, suggests that female ancestors of most modern Ashkenazi Jews converted to Judaism in the north Mediterranean around 2,000 years ago and later in west and central Europe

Your DNA is European, moron.

God, why do you just point blank refuse to be reasoned with? It's infuriating. I must have explained this to you ten times.

Side: Hebrews and Israelites
xMathFanx(1722) Disputed
1 point


The real question is; Why are you so obsessed with the classification?

Side: There are NO Jews
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

Your DNA is European, moron.

Hello again, N:

I dunno.. On the one hand, I got a DNA test that I paid for. And on the other, I got a Jew hater.

I'm just not sure what to believe..

Bwa, ha ha ha ha.


Side: There are NO Jews
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

This is just my complete and utter ignorance on DNA and the subject but....I had assumed Judaism was a religion? How would it show in your DNA that you are a Jew, short of location markers?

Sorry again I'm just completely ignorant on this subject and was curious.

Side: Hebrews and Israelites
NumberOne(422) Disputed
0 points

On the one hand, I got a DNA test that I paid for..

I literally must have explained to you ten times that being Jewish has absolutely nothing to do with your DNA. I'm not doing it again you stupid fucking prick. You literally are the most stupid person I have yet spoken to on this site. You are a nasty little liar who throws completely false accusations at people who have done nothing more than attempt to correct your misunderstanding of your own heritage. How fucking dare you call me a Jew hater?

Fuck off, you stupid, lying, senile old bastard. Why don't you die already and do us all a favour?


Side: Hebrews and Israelites
1 point

Hello again,

Let's try this another way... I think we can all agree that there's no such thing as a religious gene.. Your genome doesn't know if you're a Christian, Jew, Hindu, Muslim or even an atheist. Besides, as somebody said, you can become a Jew tomorrow if you want and an atheist after that.. Your genome doesn't KNOW how you worship or IF you worship... Therefore, it follows that your religion, or lack thereof, wouldn't show up on a DNA test...

So, when MY DNA test says I'm Ashkenazi Jewish, it's NOT recognizing any kind of religious gene. We agree there ain't no such thing. But, it IS recognizing SOME genetic marker that Ashkenazi Jews have in common..

What IS it??? Is it race, color, the size of your nose, a creed, a voting block, an ethnicity, a country of origin, a tribe, a shared history???? What would you call it? Or, there simply is NO it, and I'm making things up..

Ok, I'm ready to be called a name..


Side: Hebrews and Israelites

Hitler said (and there’s plenty of historical data to support) “Jew is a group who believe they are superior to gentiles/goyum, etc.”. Hitler never attributed any DNA concept to Jews - it was totally an ideaology. Hitler even believed that modern Jews are really FAKES! The real lineage was sabotaged along the way while they ROAMED areound like homeless Gypses.

And their are modern people born in Jew families that realize that Zionism is wrong and they are “good Jews”. Lol

Side: There are NO Jews
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

Hello Nazi:

Would we expect anything differently from a fuck who DENIES that Nazis MURDERED 6,000,000 Jews???

Go crawl back under your rock, Nazi motherfucker.


Side: Hebrews and Israelites
Sasuke(108) Disputed
1 point

The only thing stopping jews from genociding the gentiles is that it's too profitable to keep them around and exploit their labor and resources.

Side: There are NO Jews

First of all I’d like to say that nobody else other than Religious people care about this crap.

Second I believe that if religion was abolished, even though you’d have a lot of cry babies, we’d probly have all these problems licked in under 10 years, but I’m sure that would make too much sense.

Third, all humans currently on earth can be said to have a universal concestor in the past. So, logically every human descended from that concestor is a human, not a Jew. Judaism is a religion that humans invented about 2500 years ago to combat social problems and help prevent future enslavement of persons by making the information pervasive and available.

Side: There are NO Jews
1 point

There will always be religion. But we can hope for a totally new Mesiah. An updated book

Side: Hebrews and Israelites
1 point

I mean, we could always just say "jew" is a made up label that really doesn't exist outside of identity politics. I mean really, are any two jews alike? Doesn't seem very precise.

I don't know.

Side: There are NO Jews