
Debate Info

Lugenpresse But Mein Date Coach Narrative
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:7
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 Lugenpresse (1)
 But Mein Date Coach Narrative (1)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

If Bronto Is So Great With Women Then Can He Explain Why His Wife Left Him?

And took the kids?

Was that part of the journey in which you became a great dating coach?

Or nah?

Let us know buddy.


Side Score: 1

But Mein Date Coach Narrative

Side Score: 2
-3 points
2 points

Your problem being that my wife never left me

I have no problem, Bronto. You have a problem. You are a documented pathological liar, who first claimed to be a widow, and then changed his mind to say you were never married. You are so much of a ridiculously stupid liar that you change your lie into a different lie whenever you get caught lying. Indeed, I banned your accounts from this debate, so you have proven even by replying that you are abusing the site by creating puppet accounts, which you then use to harass people who do not want liars and/or neo-Nazis in their debates.

But more importantly is that the funniest thing concerning this issue is how many vast amounts of contradicting things to your view you have to ignore to continue to hold your indoctrinated view. For example

Your link is not an example of anything. Firstly, I have never denied that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear, so your link is a fallacy commonly known as a straw man. Secondly, your own link disputes your claim in the second paragraph:-

On the one hand, a lot of psychological research has found that person A usually likes person B about as much as they think person B likes them.

Your article concerns a single piece of research conducted against, wait for it, FORTY SEVEN UNDERGRADUATE FEMALES. That's right pal. You are literally SO STUPID that you are making sweeping generalisations about 8 billion people based on the answers 47 college undergraduates gave in one individual study.

I do not want stupid, dishonest idiots to participate in my debates, which is why I banned your dumb ass in the first place. Get out you ridiculously stupid moron.

Side: But Mein Date Coach Narrative
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