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Debate Score:23
Total Votes:31
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 Tell Me More (8)
 Tell Me Less (13)

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Hootie(364) pic

If Capitalism Continues It Will Eventually Kill Off The Species

We are already seeing the effects of placing the desires of the individual above the needs of the species. Contrary to the scientific evidence a few powerful people have managed to create an entire movement of climate change deniers through distortion and propaganda. Before that the same thing happened with the tobacco industry, as big business spent billions trying to suppress and distort the scientific evidence proving the dangers of smoking.

If it continues then sooner or later the species will die out because of a select few megalomaniacs determined to maintain their grip on power.

Tell Me More

Side Score: 10

Tell Me Less

Side Score: 13
3 points

You're right Hootie. One day, we will have to use a better and more objective system that doesn't incentivise greed, dishonesty and a total disregard for the planet. The pervy sage believed in me and thought I would be the one who made that dream a reality. I will never give up until I prove eru senin right, believe it!

Side: Tell Me More

As always, those on the Left like to paint people on the Right as deniers of science.

So tell me, which side is denying the science of Biology. The obvious scientific facts of how our bodies are designed, and the natural role of males and females?

Which side is creating an alphabet of unnatural sexual orientations, and indoctrinating our children to believe that two men having sex is a natural normal biological sexual orientation.

Or conditioning our children to believe that little Johnny is no longer a boy, but a girl who should be allowed in our daughter's bathrooms in every public school.

These are the people on the Left preaching to us about deniers? LOL what a total waste of time these hypocrites.

Side: Tell Me Less
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

So tell me, which side is denying the science of Biology.

Hello From:

So tell me, which side is denying a person the FREEDOM to BE who he wants to BE?? As long as it doesn't intrude on any ones rights, WHY do you care??


Side: Tell Me More
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point


The Right is not trying to deny a person's right to be who he wants to be. We do not want boys or men with mental disorders allowed in our women's bathrooms.

If they want to dress like women, they can do so, but not when it gets them access into a REAL woman's private restrooms.

If you can't understand that, get off debate sites.

Side: Tell Me Less
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID are you IGNORANT ? You make claim to be a business man so CAPITALISM must work in the MIND of the CONFUSED !

Side: Tell Me Less
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

So tell me, which side is denying a person the FREEDOM to BE who he wants to BE??

It looks like the Democrats have gone militant against being Conservative. Care to continue?

Side: Tell Me Less
1 point

If Capitalism Continues It Will Eventually Kill Off The Species

NOM do i have to prove again what a fool you are ? Sure let's have some fun with a dummy !

Technically the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the western European country typically called the United Kingdom shipped US$445 billion worth of goods around the globe in 2017.

That dollar amount reflects a -18.8% setback since 2013 but an 8.1% uptick from one year earlier in 2016.

As of June 2018, UK’s exported goods were valued at $244.6 billion up 13.6% compared to the first 6 months of 2017.

Must be NOM that Capitalism is going to kill off the Leftist Species !!!!! ROTFFLMMFAO ! Do you enjoy being as IGNORANT as you are ? LMMFAO

Side: Tell Me Less
Shikamaru(12) Disputed
1 point

Must be NOM that Capitalism is going to kill off the Leftist Species !!!!! ROTFFLMMFAO ! Do you enjoy being as IGNORANT as you are ? LMMFAO

I don't like the way you type, reading your posts is suuuch a drag. I mean come on, do you have to put like 600 exclamation marks and question marks on everything...and you capitalize things that aren't even proper nouns, it's totally lame.

Side: Tell Me More
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

NOM capitalism does not exist in the UK ? Let's revisit that !

This statistic shows the 30 largest export commodities of the United Kingdom (UK) in 2017. This ranges from machinery and pharmaceutical products to paper, textile and crude materials. Mechanical machinery was the most valuable commodity with exports being worth 48.5 billion British pounds. Cars and electrical machinery came in second, at 32.7 billion and 27.7 million respectively. Overall the 30 largest export commodities had a worth of 317.2 billion British pounds.

Side: Tell Me Less
0 points

If Capitalism died off tomorrow, the next warm age or ice age is coming regardless. Socialism did it they will say.

Side: Tell Me Less
NarutoHokage(37) Disputed
1 point

If Capitalism died off tomorrow, the next warm age or ice age is coming regardless. Socialism did it they will say.

Since I became Hokage, there has been a 5% increase in global average temperatures.

Side: Tell Me More
GonzosParrot(20) Disputed Banned
0 points

I checked. It's still within 1 degree of what it's been since temperatures have been recorded

Side: Tell Me Less