
Debate Info

He would Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 He would (2)
 Trump can do no wrong (1)

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excon(18261) pic

If Trump could save himself by throwing Jared under the bus, would he?

He would

Side Score: 2

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 1
1 point

He would. He has shown that he has NO loyalty, even to his wife .... then there's Putin .... He DOES respect strength, just not "commitment" or "tradition". ;-)

Side: He would
1 point

There is no one Trump wouldn't throw under the bus. I'm not even convinced he would spare his own kids.

Side: He would
1 point

Trump is a small fish in a pond of real sharks.

He is a servant of a corrupt group of people. Jared may not be president but he is far more powerful than Trump in the real Mafia that is ruling over USA right now. If Trump so much as points his finger at the face of Jared without explicit permission, he will be killed overnight and he knows it.

Side: Trump can do no wrong