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They would and know they would No donkey no care
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:30
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 They would and know they would (8)
 No donkey no care (7)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

If Trump won as a Democrat, the left would justify every word and every tweet

They would and know they would

Side Score: 15

No donkey no care

Side Score: 10
2 points

Hello bront:

Democrats CAN recognize BUFFOONERY.. I dunno WHY right wingers can't


Side: They would and know they would
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
3 points

Yup... DEM Right wingers is STOOPID, EBIL, ands wants peoples to dies in dem streets.

Side: No donkey no care
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I think this is the SECOND time I have agreed with you! Maybe we're becoming "non-partisan"??;-)

Side: They would and know they would
mrcatsam(663) Disputed
1 point

From within, you are just so angry! I still think you're a robot.

Side: No donkey no care
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

The world would have been a Nirvana with a Hillary election CON ! Can you just imagine how great it would have been no climate change , North Korea would not be a threat and the whole world would have been at peace with Hillary LMMFAO

Side: They would and know they would
2 points

Actually I agree. Either dominant political party would ride that horse if they thought it was going to pay off for them.

But, uh oh, in this case the Republicans own this pile of crap. Your mistake.

Side: They would and know they would
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

The only pile of Crap in Government right now would be the Democrat Party that supports no restriction abortions. Yes there is corruption on both sides but there is only one Party that supports no restriction abortions! They are a thousand times worse than a pile of crap!

You are the Hypocritical fool as always. Sling arrows at Conservatives but never speak of the Left's inhumanity. You are the total opposite of a moderate. You are as partisan and one sided as they come.

Side: No donkey no care
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

The only pile of Crap in Government right now would be the Democrat Party that supports no restriction abortions. 

You have openly acknowledged that you don't believe this is true. You think that the Republicans don't have their act together and that's why Trump hasn't accomplished anything.

there is corruption on both sides but there is only one Party that supports no restriction abortions!

False. You support abortion.

 They are a thousand times worse than a pile of crap!

Still only half as bad since you support abortion twice as much.

You are the Hypocritical fool as always

You are the biggest hypocrite in the site.

Sling arrows at Conservatives but never speak of the Left's inhumanity.

False. You just responded to an attack on liberals. Moron.

You are the total opposite of a moderate

You aren't really in a place to judge that. You think someone who offers you wheat bread is a flaming liberal.

You are as partisan and one sided as they come.

You are a fucking idiot.

Side: They would and know they would
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

AS ALWAYS, the big BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT after spewing your phoney so called moderate rhetoric.

Side: No donkey no care
Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

Do you think moderates are people who defend whatever party line is in power?

Side: They would and know they would
1 point

First of all, liberals wouldn't have elected that buffoon (who WAS a liberal and knew he wouldn't have a chance with HIS party!). HE supported Hillary AND Bill in the past. The only time he went to church was when it would benefit him financially! (By the way, several church people said he reneged on promises!) No, he wouldn't have won as a Democrat, we isn't dat stooopid!

We would have to make HIM great again, (again??), to make America great again ... with him in office! (Ain't gonna happen!)

Side: They would and know they would
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

America has been destroyed by Liberal Democrats (basically the entire Party). Anyone with an ounce of intellect understood Hillary was just more of the same.

What's the saying?.... Fool me once shame on you, fool me a million ties as the democrat Party has done, shame on me!

WAKE UP! Trump is America's last hope before moral and fiscal collapse. Who cares if he is an egotistical man who tweets stupid things. He is not a career politician and actually cares more about America then he does his political career.

Side: No donkey no care
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Trump is America's last hope before moral and fiscal collapse. 

How many bankruptcies has Trump been a part of? How many wives has Trump had? Where is the moral and fiscal responsibility?

Side: They would and know they would
Quantumhead(749) Disputed
1 point

America has been destroyed by Liberal Democrats

I'd sure like to try some of that rainbow crack they must give you in order to make you believe the left destroyed America rather than the right. It's honestly like you guys keep punching yourself in the face and then getting angry with someone else about it.

Side: They would and know they would
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I might agree with you that Trump is America's last hope. He could actually be the end of our hope.

The world is worried about it's existence with Trump. He is no longer the "leader of the free world", the world is without leadership and is trying to find one ... before it's too late.

He "cares" about HIS America, not ours. In his mind, EVERYTHING is HIS ..... or it's part of a "Dump"! He LOVES to see "TRUMP", in BIG GOLD LETTERS.

Even his own party is afraid of him in growing numbers, and that's NOT fake news!

Side: They would and know they would
mrcatsam(663) Disputed
1 point

Republicans are deceptive lying fools who support killing viable conversations by apparently pointing fingers and not looking at any real facts.

Side: They would and know they would
2 points

What is it with people who have no standards assuming that everyone else must not have standards either?

I apologise that behaving like a mature adult appears to be beyond the ability of the most powerful man in the entire world. Please stop criticising us liberals, however, for having tried to point this out to you in the first place. The fact you didn't listen is your problem.

Side: No donkey no care
1 point

Leftist and the Leftist Media are driven completely insane by the tweets of the President. More insane than they are at this point.

Side: No donkey no care