
Debate Info

Cause you're a LIAR Cause you're STUPID
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:32
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 Cause you're a LIAR (12)
 Cause you're STUPID (10)

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excon(18262) pic

If you STAND BEHIND the stuff you post, WHY would you change your user name??

Cause you're a LIAR

Side Score: 13

Cause you're STUPID

Side Score: 12
1 point

I stand IN FRONT of the things I post, to protect them from greedy Jews trying to filch them from me.

Side: Cause you're a LIAR
2 points

Jews are God's special people, you need to repent..........................................................................................................

Side: Cause you're STUPID
Jazzmaster(14) Disputed
1 point

Jews are God's special people, you need to repent

Hold on. You're telling us, as a Christian, that you worship a god who loves Jews more than he loves Christians? That's stupid.

Side: Cause you're a LIAR
Deitus(138) Disputed
-1 points

Jews are God's special people,

Why would the God of the entire universe play favorites with one specific group of humans? The answer is because the Hebrews INVENTED the religion of Judaism and God along with it, and they invented a God that is racist and believes they are superior to everyone else, because THEY were racist and thought they were superior to everyone else. Nowadays we have retarded Jews who aren't even genetically Hebrew claiming THEY are superior because God says so, and retarded christians like you sucking them off because the bible tells you to.

Side: Cause you're a LIAR
1 point

WHY would you change your user name??

Lots of reasons. Maybe Andy bans your old username. Maybe you're being downvoted on a particular username. Maybe you're just bored and fancy a change.

If you STAND BEHIND the stuff you post

I wouldn't advertise that you stand behind the stuff you post, because you're a lying little troll who gets proven wrong and carries on anyway.

Side: Cause you're STUPID
1 point

If you STAND BEHIND the stuff you post, WHY would you change your user name??

The internet is a real world to the Democrats.

Just follow the mainstream news and you will understand your confusion.

Side: Cause you're STUPID