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Debate Score:25
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Saurbaby(5502) pic

Comment and I will tell you if I like you or not

It's my job to be head attention whore here, so I feel I must pay my dues  ;) 

 Plus I miss a lot of you fuckers and need to say hey :)

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1 point

I think you are stupid.

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

I think I can be when I feel like it.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

I don't. She might hate me, but I like her .

1 point

The persons above me are squares, and the persons below me are totally radical!!! Oh and haaaay homes wazzup?!

1 point

I like you usually but a lot of the time you're under my radar.

1 point

STORY OF MY LIFE DARLIN'. I fly under the radar like any good mad scientist left to his own devices for too long.

If i had a cookie right now I would be happy. As of now I am sad. :(

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

I have cake I can share, but no cookies, at least not the kind you'd be interested in. ;)

I like you so far.

LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
1 point

Lol awww thanks gonna go drown in Oreos now because im starving.

I've seen you around the site many times, but I don't know if we've actually debated anything yet. Maybe that's because we don't disagree on much :)

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

Likewise. Though it's also partly due to my lack of usage lately, my laptop broke recently and the site is difficult to use on my phone. Though I've heard lots of good things about you.

1 point

Ismaila has been quite the attention whore lately, Saurbaby.

She might have surpassed you at this point, then again maybe not. :D

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

D: Don't even joke like that! I have a shirt that says I am the greatest attention whore! Therefore I win.

And you are one of my favorites, even if you question my attention whore skills.

Lynaldea(1227) Clarified
1 point

Aww I feel special now.

Haha, I'm not questioning your attention whore-ness.

Watch out for Ismaila is all I'm saying.

Remember what I told you, Saurbaby. ;)

1 point

Another one of these, eh? Judging based on the title alone, I thought it was the same one from a few months ago, and somehow had got headlined, again, for some reason.

Anyway, feel free to go ahead, I suppose.

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

I don't have much of an opinion on you. And of course we do these again, people love attention. ;)

1 point

I see...

Interesting how you go from potential like (at least, presumably, as that is what you, yourself, stated) to an apparent lack of an opinion.


1 point

Comment ;)

1 point

You know I love you HellNo. You are the perfect man-slave and I wouldn't trade you for anyone ;)

2 points

Awe shucks! Thanks baby... love ya too ;)

1 point

I was told that I am an attention whore. Tell me, with you being in charge, am I next in charge? LOL, and I know that you do not like me, so you do not have to bother.

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

I don't like you or dislike you. I do think you need help but you are so wrapped up in your own world that you don't see it.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Try having PTSD your whole life and see how you deal with stuff. I do not remember NOT having it.

1 point

OK Saurbaby, I am glad you are back...and yes, you used to be the biggest attention whore...but you have some work to reclaim that title as Ismaila and Prodigee have just set a new (but short lived) standard. The good news is I know you can do it and you WILL do it, and you will do it without creating page after page of spam reports in your wake...

Thank you for being YOU!

1 point

I let others think they have taken my title in my absence, but my two years (?) On the site have proved my ownership of the title. ;)

Andy, you know I like you, not only are you respectable, but you are also a really good friend too.

Hey bayyyyyyyyyyyyy beeeeeeeeeeee! ;)

2 points

Joe, you know I only have love for you. And your big.......... purple thing. ;)