
Debate Info

Clearly Left wing media bot
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 Clearly (2)
 Left wing media bot (1)

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JugsNThugs(226) pic

If you are rooting for the virus, are you the enemy of the people?

‘They’re rooting for the coronavirus’: Trump allies attack Democrats and the media

The right-wing media have united in defending the president and his response, blaming the left for using the virus for their own agenda


Side Score: 2

Left wing media bot

Side Score: 2

‘They’re rooting for the coronavirus’

You guys get more stupid with each passing day.

Side: Clearly
1 point

If you are rooting for the virus, are you the enemy of the people?

Hello J:

Nahhh... I LOVE the virus... I got a couple of 'em in a petri dish I keep right beside my bed. I named 'em co and vid. They're soo cute..


Side: Clearly
1 point

As we all know, Trumps henchmen would never lie to us so these allegations must be true.

Side: Left wing media bot