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 If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? (9)

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MohamedAli(78) pic

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

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2 points

i will change the man who makes the wars in our life

because he destroy the earth

3 points

the man? I don't think there is a man. If you would want to destroy them who create war, you would have to create a war :)

I think it would be nice if everyone at least got a chance to have a decent life. I just think some people go through their entire life, without never having a chance to go to school for instanse, or .. you know, they just never get a chance to prove or disprove that they actually are worth something.

Many people are the fault of their failure, but some never got a chance.

Completely eliminate evil from existing so people can be happy.

Jace(5222) Clarified
2 points

That should be easily done; evil only exists in our minds.

2 points

Evil is real. Rape and murder are perfect examples of evil.

2 points

An end to ignorance and stupidity. From such flaws flow the majority of our problems.

2 points


If I could rewrite the laws of physics and just completely change something irrational, it'd be life's needs. I'd change it to where life needed nothing to live.

2 points

I'd eliminate anti-intellectualism. It's probably the main reason behind many of the problems we have today.