
Debate Info

YES Only if it fits my criteria
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:17
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 YES (3)
 Only if it fits my criteria (8)

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excon(18262) pic

If you don't hurt anybody, in this great nation, are you FREE to BE anything you want?


Side Score: 5

Only if it fits my criteria

Side Score: 8
2 points

If you don't hurt anybody, in this great nation, are you FREE to BE anything you want?

I'd say pretty much yes because I can't think of any oddball exception right off the top of my head. We still have seperation of ideology and state.

Side: YES
1 point

With one caveat. It must be within the local and state laws AND the Constitution. It would be nice if was socially acceptable also.

Side: YES
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

GRANDPAW you SOCIALIST are all about the Constitution these days !!!!!!!

GRANDPAW is the 2nd Amendment socially acceptable for you BRAIN DEAD IDIOTS ?

Side: Only if it fits my criteria
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey DUMMY can you tell me all about socially acceptable protests in Portland ????????

Side: Only if it fits my criteria
Bronto(2002) Disputed
0 points

It WOULD be nice if libs thought Conservatism was "socially acceptable", wouldn't it Al? I mean...we were just born this way. It's biology...Why would you hate someone because of biology?

Side: Only if it fits my criteria
0 points

we were just born this way. It's biology...Why would you hate someone because of biology?

It's because you're biologically stupid and were raised with an archaic value system and way of thinking.

Side: YES
1 point

1. define "hurt". 2. "free" from what...? God's Judgement? perhaps... :3

also does being in this nation make any difference? is this a religious question or a political one?? Morality =/= Ethics

Side: Only if it fits my criteria
1 point

Unfortunately the government has passed thousands of laws which can prevent peaceful people who aren't hurting anyone from just doing what they like and having fun. I enjoy making all kinds of alcoholic beverages yet if I get caught doing what I like to do I will be arrested.

Side: Only if it fits my criteria
1 point

Only if it fits this criteria: your 'freedom' does not contain among its prerequisites, obligatory indoctrinaiton of schoolchildren with retarded unscientific propaganda. I can't speak on behalf of americans, but this is my take on the situation.

Side: Only if it fits my criteria